Definder - what does the word mean?

What is myspizzle?

The action of being excessively active on Myspace.

"Hey watsup?"
"Nothing much, just myspizzling."

👍27 👎15

myspizzle - video


Myspizzle - what is it?

only the coolest way to say myspace ever!!!

i added her on myspizzle

👍37 👎51

What does "myspizzle" mean?

how only cool people refer to myspace

whitney and jim met on myspizzle

👍217 👎167

Myspizzle - what does it mean?

the way of the new century to say myspace

dawg Im chillin up on myspizzle nizzle

👍209 👎111

Myspizzle - meaning

The way to say "myspace" like a shoeless phoneless squirell bitch.

Ryne A. says myspizzle all day.

👍205 👎95