Definder - what does the word mean?

What is my COCK?

What happens when you are carrying your Glock in your waist band and it goes off

After I shot that biatch I put my gun back in my pants and Glocked my cock.

Did you hear about Andre? Yeah that fool was showing off and Glocked his cock infront of his girl.

I am gonna Glock my cock motherfuckers. (laughter)

👍155 👎53

my COCK - video


My COCK - what is it?

Those 3 special words every girl longs to hear

"You know i love you, you don't need to hear it again. Now Suck my cock"

👍3049 👎877

What does "my COCK" mean?

A direct imperative given at a time of great dismay. Usually said to an enemy or foe. Can be modified into a question. Ex. Why don't you smoke my cock?

While waiting in line some guy asked me to move so he could let his friends cut in. I told him to go smoke my cock.

👍123 👎29

My COCK - what does it mean?

Whenever a female proceeds to do sexual acts upon your penis

"That ho' is totally gonna rock my cock bro"

👍55 👎13

My COCK - meaning

Euphemism for masturbation.

I've been stalking my cock all morning trying to get rid of this hangover.

👍575 👎131

My COCK - definition

The ultimate insult to belittle someone.

Double effective as a comeback to any insult thrown at you no matter how powerful.

I was down on your mother like a beaver on a hunk of wood.
Fuck off you're the cheese of my cock.

I'm the president of the United States. You're just a lightweight.
Fuck off you're the cheese of my cock.

If you were a grain of rice you couldn't do an impression of a fucking maggot!
Fuck off you're the cheese of my cock.

👍97 👎13

My COCK - slang

a more impressive and aggressive announcement that you are going to masturbate or have a wank.

Can we leave now Jerry?

10 more minutes, I need to wack my cock!

👍29 👎15



Razmig: My COCK

👍79 👎33


3 inches but amazing to taste

please FUCK my cock

👍111 👎33



My cock is long

👍591 👎163