Definder - what does the word mean?

What is mumy?

Mumy is the most funny guy you will ever meat also very tall. He is also very sensitive but dont forget he is H O T !

Marry a mumy

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mumy - meme gif

mumy meme gif

mumy - video


Mumy - what is it?

A weed brownie, comes from the swiss german film "Cannabis, Probieren geht ΓΌber Regieren" in which a governement offical called Mummentaller makes weed brownies.

Yo are those Mumies?
Fuck i ate 12 of them

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What does "mumy" mean?

The biggest losers on eath. Mumis are liars, cheaters, thieves, and users! They usually never brush their teeth (brown). They usually fake who they are. They pretend to be something their not.

Mumi is a phony

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Mumy - what does it mean?

A beautification of the word vagina.

My Mumi is very wet.

Do you wanna eat my mumi?

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Mumy - meaning

Miss you mean it!

I haven't seen you in so long! Come Back! MUMI!

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Mumy - definition

Mumi is a beautiful, amazing, lovely person with an incredible personality.

Mumis are the funniest person compared to everyone else and is fun to be around.
They are usually the smart, and intelligent with a great sense of humor

They have the most warm and kind heart and is always there if you need them

Example: my friend Mumi is an amazing person

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Mumy - slang

Unbearably cute; the epitome of cuteness

The little puppy was just too mumi!

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