Definder - what does the word mean?

What is mull-ette?

Also known as the European or Fashion mullet, the mull-ette is a shorter, less obvious version of the standard mullet. the mull-ette was made famous in the 80's by actors such as John Stamos and Mario Lopez. Now, the most common form of the mull-ette is as an unintended consequence of not getting a haircut soon enough. It is characterized by the hair growing at the nape of the neck being noticibly longer than the rest of the hair on the head. The Mull-ette may be accidental and does not discriminate based on race or gender.

Man I need a haircut, i'm starting to get a mull-ette.

👍33 👎13

mull-ette - meme gif

mull-ette meme gif

mull-ette - video
