Definder - what does the word mean?

What is moseley?

The most bad skiier around, he likes to full knuckle snow, steal from the russians and sign women's breasts. Most famous from the 1998 Nagano olympics where he won a gold medal.

Eric: Holy shit that's Jonny Moseley!
Justin: Who the fuck is that?
Eric: He's the best skiier ever man get your facts straight!

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Moseley - what is it?

the coolest, hottest, most amazing actor ever!!! he plays peter in "chronicles of narnia' and he is soooo cool!

"i'm having william moseley's baby!!!!! will jr is a kicker!"

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What does "moseley" mean?

British actor who plays the part of Peter Pevensie in the Chronicles of Narnia movies.

Probably the most insanely gorgeous, ridiculously intelligent, awfully sweet person in the world. Also happens to be hung like a horse.

1.) "Brits belong with Brits, such as William Moseley and myself, seeing as I'm actually on the same intelligence level as he is and, sadly, you are probably not."

2.) "William Moseley's wonderful accent simply makes me want to melt with ecstasy."

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Moseley - what does it mean?

An actor from England who is best known for playing "Peter Pevensie" in "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe." At the end of the movie he and his brother and sisters are made kings and queens of Narnia.

"And to the clear northern skies, King Peter the Magnificent. Once a king or Queen of Narnia, always a king or queen."
~Aslan talking about William Moseley's character, Peter.

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Moseley - meaning

To linger about in the most somber of ways.

Da mouf always be ah moselying around and ah day dreamin' about a certain ah someone.

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Moseley - definition

A 'Moseley' is someone who embarks on a perverted crusade and comes up short much to the amusement of his peers.

John walked across the dance floor to discreetly touch Jenny's tits. Jenny slapped John and everyone laughed at him. John did a 'moseley'

Andrew climbed into bed with Melissa with only his boxers on and a throbbing erection. Melissa frantically ran out of the room with Andy in pursuit. Andy was then met by his peers who laughed at him. He had done a 'Moseley'

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Moseley - slang

The name of badasses, people with the surname moseley often find themselves in the company of multiple women (or men if you’re into that) at once. All around BDE

John: dude, matthew is such a moseley! Hes got chicks lining up
Cain: i know, and his son takes after him well

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The last name of a male who takes no shit and will handle someone very quickly if someone steps out of line.Also he cane be very nice, calm, cool, & collected.He is also a super loyal friend

Blank Moseley is an cool but fierce guy

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Tall, white male, often with a large penis, lots of money, and often well respected for his kindness and generosity.

Matthew is such a Moseley, everyone loves him, and his family thinks the world of him.

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verb: to waste one's time with excessive, empty conversation that is difficult to end

noun: the state of having been moseleyed; inadvertent, unwanted procrastination; can also refer to someone having the propensity to moseley frequently

adjective: describes one who tends to moseley

I was getting so much work done until I was moseleyed by one of the most moseley moseleys I know came in and wouldn't stop talking until 2:00am.

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