Definder - what does the word mean?

What is mongoose's?

Like the vehicle in Halo, a mongoose is that one bro who every girl knows is there but no one wants to ride.

"God, there are like no guys at this party"
'What about Mike?"
"Nah he's such a mongoose"

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mongoose's - meme gif

mongoose's meme gif

mongoose's - video


Mongoose's - what is it?

1) Someone who constantly acts like a clown and is slightly retarded.

2) A more politically correct alternative to mongole - a word related to the country of Mongolia

2) Also a small furry creature

1) Facey, give me back my watermelon you mongoose!

2) That mongoose is gonna get kicked outta school

3) Your mother's a mongoose!

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What does "mongoose's" mean?

something that relates to this one astronaut game

Isn’t mongoose like the game with the astronauts?

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Mongoose's - what does it mean?

The act of, while wearing boxers, pulling up your flaccid penis so that only the head is sticking out, being held against your abdomen by the waistband of your boxers.

I did The Mongoose in the locker room today before football practice. My friends all shared in horrified laughter

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Mongoose's - meaning

A person who flirts with as many people as possible, and then rejects those who inevitably fall in love. Stems from an unhealthy low self-esteem, as they want to feel loved by as many people as possible, regardless of whether or not they actually like said people. Originated from the idea that people don't know whether a mongoose eats a snake or a snake eats a mongoose.

1 - I think I've fallen in love with you...
2 - Oh... well, sorry, I don't feel the same.
1 - What? But you've given me all the signals!
2 - Oh yeah, haha, I tend to do that. ^^
1 - You're such a mongoose. :'(
2 - Excuse me?

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Mongoose's - definition

A high powered bitch, usually with a hyphenated last name. These women hate men and are snake killers.

Have you seen that new chick in legal? Yeah, her last name has a hyphen. That bitch is a power hungry mongoose.

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Mongoose's - slang

A ferocious beastly animal who wanders the jungles and riverbanks in search of inferior animals to devour.

Dude that Mongoose ate my dog.

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Related to mongooses - a description of awesome and amazing events

The game was mongoosal!

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The act of fearlessly, ferociously and unscrupulously devouring helpless prey; particularly, after fighting for and winning previously said prey from cobras and other venomous snakes.

"You guys see Bill mongoosing at the club last night? He made out with two chicks, got three numbers and left home with one. What a fucking mongoose!"

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Leaving out a critical part of the story.

Krista really mongoosed........

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