Definder - what does the word mean?

What is mollywopping?

To hit someone really, really hard.
It leaves a mark.

Give me popcorn or I'll mollywop you.

👍117 👎129

mollywopping - video


Mollywopping - what is it?

to get the crap beat out of you.
or to slap the shit out of somebody.

you keep talking shit i'll mollywop yo punk ass.

👍149 👎165

What does "mollywopping" mean?

Slap someone with your dick

the bitch stopped sucking so i mollywoped her for revenge

👍183 👎205

Mollywopping - what does it mean?

To be clubbed in the front of the head; to be clubbed fatally from the front; Opposite of mollywop' = Aardvark, to be clubbed from the back of the head, 1 hit and ur done

To be clubbed in the front of the head; to be clubbed fatally from the front

We were playing Halo at Zel's, and como got mollywopped uncontrollably... results in...
"ooooooo arite, were friends"
"jimmy quit pollywackin' me, no Como is Mollywop"

👍75 👎59

Mollywopping - meaning

To be clubbed in the front of the head; to be clubbed fatally from the front

We were playing Halo at Zel's, and como got mollywopped uncontrollably... results in... "ooooooo arite, were friends"

👍81 👎57

Mollywopping - definition

To be hit with an open hand or closed fist extremelyhard. The person hitting you has to follow through and come down with it so that you feel the true force.

Yo check it, my bitch is an habitual linesteppa, so everytime she steps outa line i gotta check her. She got me real heated yesterday so i mollywopp'd that silly bitch. Shell learn next time not to fuck wit me.

👍925 👎629

Mollywopping - slang

Hitting someone in the face with your cack

That dumb bitch cheated on me so I mollywopped her!

👍1241 👎735


v. to bitch slap, clobber, and knock the fuck out, simultaneously

Listen motherfucker, you got two choices.
You can either go fuck yourself, or I can mollywop your punk ass!

👍913 👎381


verb; To be smacked violently upside the head.

Fool, you just straight mollywopped me, negroid!

👍231 👎83


The act of grabbing ones flaccid unit at the base and smacking a ho upside the head with it, preferably in the cheek area.

Girl you need to calm down before I take this big ol dick and mollywop the everlasting hell out of you!

👍25 👎11