Definder - what does the word mean?

What is mips?

Masturbating in Public.

I minor offense close to nudity in public.

-Dude, I got an MIP.
-You're a sick motherfucker.

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mips - meme gif

mips meme gif

mips - video


Mips - what is it?

The inferior term to the word rips meaning "to rip a (insert vape here)"

The word mips is commonly used by white trashy skate kids who are in consistent need for a "domie"

A domie is the feeling you get when you rip/mip a vape(nicotine vape).

Skater 1: bro lemme mip that juul
Skater 2: nah fool get ya own mips

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What does "mips" mean?

An Acronym For "Meaningless Indication of Processor Speed"

Your Computer has 3 more MIPS than mine...

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Mips - what does it mean?

MIP is short got Minor In Possesion
(weed, alcohol, etc..)

I got a MIP when that pig found a 20 sac on me.

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Mips - meaning

stands for Minor in Possesion. a citation given to minors found to be in possesion of alcohol.

"i was floating the guadalupe on saturday and some cop gave me an MIP."

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Mips - definition

Acronym for Marijuana Infused Products.

I went to a party over the weekend and the hosts had a whole table filled with MIP goodies! The brownies were sooo good!!!

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Mips - slang

Minor In Possession. Specific state laws dictating punishment for a minor found possessing alcohol, marijuana, or other controlled substances. Generally a light misdemeanor; in Michigan, for example, the maximum punishment for an MIP conviction is a $100 fine.

Note that the legal definition of "in possession" can at times include "under influence;" for example, the Michigan MIP law allows for a legally drunk minor to be charged with possession. This amendment was intended to close a loophole related to drinking in Canada; in previous cases, defendants had argued that drinking in Canada did not constitute possession in Michigan.

My friend had a dime bag in his glove box, and when he got pulled over they slapped him with a MIP.

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to get an MIP from the cops.

"Dude I just got mipped!"

"Aw man that sucks!"

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the nips of a moob
man + nips = mips

i've got hard mips on my moobs

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Unusually large male hips. Man hips. See related "moobs."

n. "That man's got back; he's got some mips on him!"

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