Definder - what does the word mean?

What is may 17?

A person born on this day owns many L's such as Lucky, Loyal and Luxurious. Your birthdate is special, important, and celebrated by many as you are trusted and loved.

People born on May 17th are known to be extremely lucky.

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may 17 - video


May 17 - what is it?

National donโ€™t give a fuck day

Hey dude why arenโ€™t you doing your work. Well because I donโ€™t have a fuck, itโ€™s may 17th

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What does "may 17" mean?

She is the prettiest girl u will ever see .see has the best body. If you have her as a girl friend trust men she got cake ๐ŸŽ‚ (thicker than a snicker๐Ÿคฃ) donโ€™t forget her birth day she will go off 0-to-100

Wow she so pretty! Did you know her birthday is on May 17

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May 17 - what does it mean?

On May 17th, 2009, the popular game Minecraft was first released. May 17 is Minecraftโ€™s birthday. On this day you celebrate the game created by Notch (Markus Alexej Persson), partially designed by Jeb_ and released by Mojang.

Minecraft veteran: Guys itโ€™s May 17! Itโ€™s Minecraftโ€™s birthday today, no matter what Microsoft says.
Newbie: What do you mean? Minecraft has always been Microsoftโ€™s.
Minecraft Veteran: No, Mojang made Minecraft. Today is the day to celebrate itโ€™s release.

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May 17 - meaning

If you are born on this day I just gotta say DAMN YOU SWAGGY AS HELL stay swaggy!!!

May 17s birthday

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May 17 - definition

if you were born on this day your a dickhead who breaks peoples heart

oooh it may 17 the day dickheads were born on

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May 17 - slang

May 17 is my best friends birthday.
I love you jamey and happy birthday<3

(i hope you never see this lowkey)

me - guess what
rando - what
me - its may 17!!
rando - so???
me - Its my jameys birthday duh
rando - no one gaf gab.

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May 17

national do your friends mom day

hey man im gonna do your mom

but I don't want you to

too bad it's may 17

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May 17

may 17 is a day of breakdowns. if you or someone you know was born on that date, beware. they have a tendency to do nothing, but cry

person 1: oh no! it's May 17th!!
person 2:
person 1: it means one of us is going to have a mental breakdown!

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May 17

birthdate of a sexy beast

"hey did you see that girl pass us"
"yeah i hear her birthdays may 17th"

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