Definder - what does the word mean?

What is man I a?

his server is what? his server IS WHAT? TELL ME

"man, i love hk. his server h"
"shut up"

👍35 👎15

man I a - video


Man I a - what is it?

The greatest quote ever, see Pulp Fiction

Vincent Vega (John Travolta): "Aww man i just shot marvin in the face!"

👍869 👎337

What does "man I a" mean?

when u burn your toast so bad its burnt like a nigga cause there black and such

"man i nigga burnt my toast"

👍145 👎209

Man I a - what does it mean?

maybe ill do it more later

man i just cummed so hard that i cried

👍25 👎11

Man I a - meaning

this is usually said by a cheating partner as an inside joke to the person he or she is cheating with. it is meant as a joke about popping up and saying boo to the cheating partner's significant other, which obviously can't be done.

"tell your man i said boo. when are you going to leave his broke ass for good so we don't have to sneak around anymore?"

👍39 👎13

Man I a - definition

A slang term for the Cayman Islands. The Cayman Islands is a british territory that has no natural fresh water resources, has 8 districts, primarily exports turtle products and manufactured consumer goods, and ethnic groups are mixed 40%, white 20%, black 20%, expatriates of various ethnic groups 20%.

Bill- "Johnny, why do all the bars close on midnight on Saturdays in the Cayman Islands?"

Johnny- "Because it's the K-MAN I-LAN"

Source: A.P., Cayman Islands

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Man I a - slang

When you say something to an individual that would come off offensive and he or she could clearly kick your ass you pull back and apologize

George: *walks over to Henry and ask for the time*

Henry: *waits till George turns around after recieving no respons, Henry then proceeds to say*... "Time for you to get a watch"

George: *Snaps back around, fist clenched*

Henry: *horrified* "Aye Man I ain't Mean It"

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Man I a

An expansion of the word MILF, used when you can't say the word MILF out loud

Look at that -man i love fridays- she's just my type .
I saw a real hot -man i love fridays- on the bus the pther day.
My next door neighbor is a real -man i love fridays- , shit I'll spank that when her husband leaves.

👍29 👎13

Man I a

An acronym for MILF

Bob: You see that mom over there
Joe: Man I Love Frogs
Bob: I agree

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Man I a

A Disappointing sell out fall out boy shouldnt have released

"whats your favourite album"
"Screw you"

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