Definder - what does the word mean?

What is mama Mia?

What people watch when they have less than 3 brains watch. If u like this movie, you probably enjoy gay orgy's and watching your eardrum drip out. Borderline this movie sucks and you might need a bottle of bleach after this.

Mama mia, the worst movie ever made.

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mama Mia - video


Mama Mia - what is it?

If someone says something really mamas their mias it typically mean that it makes them mad

You wanna know what really mamas my mias? Littering

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What does "mama Mia" mean?

1.) subject line of a facebook message that continues: you have a very sexy last name. I hope your persona reflects that.
2.) can be used in general to describe when a guy you don't know hits on you in a creepy way

who was that boy? he totally just coscia coscia mama mia-ed me. i had to tell him i was married before he left me alone

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Mama Mia - what does it mean?

MAMA MIA! is when your having pasta at a Italian restaurant and you hear the chef go "mama mia das a spice meat a ball!"

oh my mama mia! dat a spice meat a ball!!

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Mama Mia - meaning

What some white kid would say after a kid admits he is Italian

Guy- dude Iā€™m Italian
Guy2- mama Mia

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Mama Mia - definition

when your mamas name is mia

mario; MAMa MiAAAaaaAA oh NoooOOOoOooOo
waluigi; WaHHHhhh

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Mama Mia - slang

A phrase that descibes a very attractive woman, usaually said in an Italian voice.

Oooooooooooh mama mia, she is a looker!

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Mama Mia

A misspelling of the italian phrase of "Mamma Mia!", translating to "Oh My Mother!" which is the Italian Culture equivalent to "Oh My God!". Although the phrase "Mamma Mia" has been popularized by the musical by the same name, the phrase "Mama Mia" has been popularized by the Super Mario Bros franchise, due to becoming a popular quote and catchphrase of the main characters, Mario and Luigi, due to their Italian origins. Since then, this phrase has been commonly associated to inaccurate italian stereotypes, along with other traits such as the "Italian Hand", and an unusual obession to Pizza and Spaghetti.

Person 1: Dude, the phrase is "Mamma Mia", with TWO Ms. Seriously, it's disrespectful to disregard Italian culture like that especially if you only use it for parody and impression.
Person 2: haha funny italian man goes Mama Mia! and spaghetti meatball!

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Mama Mia

The sexual act of stuffing cooked spaghetti into a vagina, and sucking it out afterwards making as much noise as you can, and moaning "mama mia" in an italian accent as loud as you can.


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Mama Mia

A phrase which is used when stereotyping an Italian.

"Mama mia! Dassa spiicy meataball!"

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