Definder - what does the word mean?

What is mad sus?

When someone is mad sus

David: James looking Mad sus
James:yea dude

👍25 👎11

mad sus - video


Mad sus - what is it?


among us impostor is being mad sus bro, sus sus sus

👍29 👎25

What does "mad sus" mean?

Wow. This refers to the heinous act you just committed willfully and once this has been said, you look back in retrospect and contemplate for a period of time about what you just did/said and realize that it was unnecessary and honestly pretty fuckin sus bro.

I mean I don't know about you, but from my perspective if I did/said that I honestly would have to reconsider my sexuality considering all the possibilities, because I mean they are theoretically endless after hearing what I/you just did/said.

"Mane, Das mad sus g, please reconsider what you just said as I quite frankly do NOT appreciate how sus that is. You might have to get voted off."

👍37 👎17

Mad sus - what does it mean?

When you go someone a blow job

"You are mad sus my guy"

👍33 👎79

Mad sus - meaning

When somebody acts super gay, such as being a little bitch and not knowing how to handle something.

You sounding mad sus my guy.

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Mad sus - definition

to be very suspicious like over-the-top suspicious

Maddy: what is Mr. Harris doing over there?
Abby: idk but he looking mad sus

👍55 👎19

Mad sus - slang

to act very suspect or suspicious; to act like a creeper

Carol:What is Mr. Moniaci doing over there?
Nicole: I don't know but I think he's staring at us.
Carol:Mad sus . . .

👍441 👎41

Mad sus

mad sus, middle aged boys would use it alot to random people. and its extremely annoying.

mad sus

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