Definder - what does the word mean?

What is mAtEriAL giRL?

The worst fucking song ever made by the most annoying fucking artist Saucy Santana

mAtEriAL giRL, I have no unique opinions and fill the void in life with gloating about materialistic possessions.

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mAtEriAL giRL - video


MAtEriAL giRL - what is it?

gold digger... a girl who is wit a guy only for his money.. she doesnt really care how he is as a person... she is jus using him.

riddh is sucha material girl... she left her guy whn she found out he is not rich..

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What does "mAtEriAL giRL" mean?

A material girl is a girl that is materialistic. (I'm pretty sure she'll get plastic surgery in the future 😌✨) She's also known as alley girl, Essex girl, and popular clique. Plus, she spends a lot of her money on fashionable and luxurious things. And by spending a lot, I mean a LOT!

"You're such a material girl!"
"No, I'm not!" *buys a $500 blouse*

- Me and my friend today :P

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MAtEriAL giRL - what does it mean?

It's a term for sassy and bad bitchest people.

Get it from my mammy, Balmain, bustdown
(Tre Trax I think we got one)
(It's Trax season, bruh)
(Who that? Trell?)
I want Chanel 9 boots
All these niggas steady jockin'
'Cause they know I'm the truth
(Material girl) And I get it from my mammy
Balmain, bustdowns, these hoes can't stand me
"Material girl" Currently working on a Grammy
Meanwhile, pussy poppin' with ya man in Miami
(Material girl) Chanels and pearls
That's the trick that it takes to keep the girls

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MAtEriAL giRL - meaning

A girl who want Chanel 9 boots
And all these n-words steady jockin'
'Cause they know she's the truth

Material girl purr! Slay queen! πŸ‘‘

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MAtEriAL giRL - definition

Often mistaken for preps. They HAVE to wear things that cost at least $200, and EVERYTHING they own is designer. Material Girls are EXTREMELY rich, and don't know anything about life. They don't care about school, and only have "rich" friends. They want EVERYONE to envy them, especially their million dollar Louis Vuitton purses.

Material Girls are rich and spoiled.

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MAtEriAL giRL - slang

A girl who loves money from the guys she's with and doesn't care as much if they care for her or romance her she just wants whatever they got that she can spend.

A song sung by Madonna in the '80s

"God, Becky makes me sick. She's hooked up with three guys from Kings Egdehill just long enough to steal their cash and break their hearts."

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The terminology β€œMaterial Girl” or β€œMaterial Gworl” -
Is a direct term from the artist Saucy Santana’s hit single β€œMaterial Girl” and a reference to Madonna’s hit classic β€œMaterial Girl” that means to be a pricey or up-kept person that is in fact a materialistic person. You in fact do not have to happen to be a female in order to be a Material Girl.

β€œ(Material Girl) I want Chanel nine boots all these n*ggas steady jocking, β€˜cause they know I’m the truth (Material Girl)”

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Material girling is when u doing queen/king/monarch shit

Niki:"omg look at Rachel's outfit!"
Sam:"omg yesss she's material girling😻"

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A girl who is very independent, not relying on other people & fights for what she wants. A Material Girl also tends to like expensive and luxurious things. She is also a girl who knows what she wants and will do anything in her power to get it. They tend to show confidence and egotistical behaviors even though they are not really like that. A Material Girl is usually not a particularly good person in a romantic relationship because of their independence Stubbornness & outgoing personality.

I could never be in a relationship with somebody who is such a Material Girl they are so independent

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