Definder - what does the word mean?

What is lyming?

Small town in southeastern connecticut. It is one of the wealthier towns in New London county, and many people who work in the area choose to raise families there as the school system is regarded very highly in the state. East Lyme was voted in the top 300 small towns in the US. It's home to the quaint village of Niantic which attracts many people to buy summer homes there because of the beautiful beaches.

The people here are proud of their town. The High School has fairly successful sports teams, and there's a lot of viking pride. Overall East Lyme is a great place to live.

Kid: My dad works at phizer and my mom works at Electric Boat
Other Kid: Oh you must live in East Lyme

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lyming - meme gif

lyming meme gif

lyming - video


Lyming - what is it?

A magical pathologic partnership.

Damn, what's with the cough dude?
Well, I think it goes well with my rash...
Oh, yeah...gotta get the Corona with Lyme.

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What does "lyming" mean?

A cancer-like illness caused by a bacterial parasite invading the body and taking over the cells in its host. It is bloodborne, meaning it sexually transmitted, spreads through blood-sucking bugs, and is inherited from parent to child. It can only be successfully treated through intense antibiotic therapy. Chronic cases are due to the bacteria inserting itself into the human mitochondria, so that when the human cells reproduce, the bacteria is fused into those cells permanently. The only way to treat severe cases like this is with antibiotic chemotherapy, and even then the cells will keep making the disease.

In the US there are over 400k new diagnoses a year, and the awareness is almost nill. The CDC does not fund research for it, insurance companies rarely cover treatment costs, the number one disease related fatality is suicide due to doctors not believing patients and making them feel crazy, and nobody knows about it.

Have you heard? Blood banks check blood donations for HIV, Hepatitis, Tuberculosis, and AIDS, but doesn't test for Lyme Disease, which is currently the most endemic disease in the US.

👍73 👎25

Lyming - what does it mean?

A town located in South Eastern Connecticut. It is mainly made up of water. The town isn't extremely wealthy, but it's not hurting financially either. Many of the children there are either on the preppy side, or a hippie ( both cliques are wannabes.) Many people here love the beach, and often decorate their homes with beach decor. It's not a completlely horrid place to live, although every one complains how boring it is. Well kids, it's not Kansas, lighten up!

"See that girl smoking that joint, with the Abercrombie clothes on the beach. She must be from East Lyme!"

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Lyming - meaning

the act of friends jokingly remind each other of their past embarrasments.

We lyme Jim everyday about it

Tom: Hey Jim I wudn't touch that unless you liked how it felt when you shat your pants after it shocked the shit out a you lol lol!

Jim: very funny jackass!

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Lyming - definition

it is a disease.

Lyme disease

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Lyming - slang

Jamaican spelling for "lime," often used in Trinidad and throughout the Caribbean, meaning to hang out or chill with friends. Can also refer to a party or event.

I'm lyme-ing at the beach; Do you want to go to the lyme?

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A person who has or had Lyme Disease.

Alex Brissette is Lymed.

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A person who has or had Lyme Disease.

Alex Brissette is Lymed.

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When a middle-aged person party's almost every night at clubs and bars with friends trying to recapture lost youth.

"Uncle Ben went out lyming last night, didn't come home till 4 in the morning."

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