Definder - what does the word mean?

What is lymi?

Unknown origins. It is used commonly to describe the lowest form of human beings, in the entire world, the English.

The Queen is a faggot arse lymie!

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lymi - meme gif

lymi meme gif

lymi - video


Lymi - what is it?

While at the sports bar consuming beer out of your 33 ounce mug and getting heavily intoxicated, resulting in a blackout stage.

just a thought, but we could hit the bar and get LYMIED watching the sox game in celebration of your big day??????

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What does "lymi" mean?

Someone who has Lyme Disease

Even though I am a suffering Lymie, I will not let that ruin my life.

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Lymi - what does it mean?

Love you, miss you. Text shorthand between long distance friends, family, husbands/wives/girlfriends/boyfriends.

Can't wait to see you at xmas, LYMY!

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Lymi - meaning

Love You, Mean It!

Not JUST for females and gay men, but 1) for anyone desiring to express their love in a quick and effeciant way, OR 2) for those being sarcastic and mocking someones love.

1) Hey Cyn, LYMI!

2) Yeah, Ok, Marti, LYMI... (rolls eyes)

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Lymi - definition

Acronym for Love You, Miss You!

Text: Can't wait to see you this weekend!
Response: LYMY!

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Lymi - slang

Short form for Love You, Miss You. Usually used as a parting remark. Best used on strangers to evoke positive feelings and sometimes confusion.

Super hot waitress or waiter "Thanks. Have a good day"

You "Love you, miss you!" (LYMY)

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It is the definitive term of a man comfortable enough in his heterosexuality, to say that he loves everyone, regardless of any traits. Athough the people who popularized it in the beginning were indeed gay.

At the end of any of my e-mails or posts I will place the tag "LYMI" to signify that I appreciate the person whom I am speaking to.

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lymi = love you mean it

sign off your email if you are gay or female: lymi!

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