Definder - what does the word mean?

What is lumie?

When something is Lumi, it is greater than anything one can comprehend. It is better than anything else, bigger than anything else (metaphorically, and physically), and swaggier than anything else.

Lumi originates from the ancient concept of "Coolio", and can be used to describe practically anything, apart from mermaids. Because mermaids are fish.

OMG!! That chunky (fat, ginormous) kitten is so LUMI!!!!!!

👍27 👎11

lumie - meme gif

lumie meme gif

lumie - video


Lumie - what is it?

A term that originated with small children, "lumi" is an acronym for "love u mean it." Today, it is used only by the dopest folks as a means of informing their close friends of how much they truly and sincerely love them.

Other forms of the word lumi have also been created, such as "mumi" ("miss u mean it"), "humi" ("hate u mean it"), and "drumi" ("date rape u mean it").

Dope Folk 1: Hey man, lumi foreva.

Dope Folk 2: Girl, lumi too.

👍77 👎31

What does "lumie" mean?

Lumie is drop dead gorgeous, his looks are off the "hook", you "betta" try to "catch" one yourself. You "cod"nt find anything better than a lumie. Lumie is absolutly "fin"tabulus.

And by the way he's also a great pet fish. :)

Wow thats a great Lumie.

👍45 👎15

Lumie - what does it mean?

The best of the best.

Example? Lumi is the fucking meta game, bow down.

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Lumie - meaning

lumi is the hottest person alive

hey do you know who lumi is?
yes he's so sexy i wanna make out with him

👍51 👎17

Lumie - definition

An acronym for Love You Mean It. An expression of endearment that can be used sincerely or sarcastically.

Hey you guys! LUMI!!!
Hey fuck face...LUMI.

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Lumie - slang

You know that one kid whose nice to literally everyone to the point it could get her hurt? Yeah- that kid. And goddammit I love her for it.

Spectator: Who's Lumi?
Player: The sea elf-turned-god who the lesbian tiefling is very gay for
Spectator: Oh okay

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Acronym for Love You Mean It. An expression of endearment that can be used sincerely or sarcastically.

You guys are so awesome! LUMI!!
Suck it you fuck face...LUMI.

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(Finnish girls name)
Lumi is goergous and very talented. She is nice but can be mean if needed. She is beautiful and always thinks what is best for others. Sometimes she can be too kind. Does not have lots of friends but knows people.

Lumi = snow (translated from Finnish to English)

Lumi bought me food again. She is such a sweetheart.

👍113 👎25


Persons who are called Lumi are hitting different. They will always hear you out, communicate in an honest and strong way but also tell you if they want to be left alone. Lumi can be both very good: alone & with people.

Also, Lumi is not only gorgeous from the inside but also from the outside: beautiful hair and bright eyes with smooth facial features are characteristic for a Lumi.
Lumi often struggles with themselves because of trying to change actively into the better. She doesn't close her eyes from challenges (regarding behaviour, psyche) but is trying to analyse herself & find better ways to cope with situations.
One thing that Lumi is challenging with often is the fear of commitment. But there are always a handful of really close friends who she can talk to very openly.

If you find a Lumi in your life, keep her in your life (only if she makes you clear that she wants to keep you too obviously)!

aaand maybe she has Finnish genes and can take you to Finland, so you already got 2in1 :D

Who tf is that? I know her from somewhere, wow! o_o
:: that's Lumi! THE Lumi!

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