Definder - what does the word mean?

What is luke cold?

We've heard of luke warm water, luke warm coffee. Luke cold is when something isn't too hot, isn't too cold. its that perfect temperature. Luke cold water is when you put water in the fridge for about 15/30 mins. chugging temperature.

This water is luke cold.

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luke cold - video


Luke cold - what is it?

Luke Cold is when you get a drink, put it in the fridge for about 15-30 minutes and then It's not TOO cold but definitely not warm, perfect for chugging.

Ali: wife is the water luke cold yet?
Evren: no my king.

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What does "luke cold" mean?

Its literally fucking barely cold liquid.

"Bruh this mocha is luke cold."

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Luke cold - what does it mean?

You know that moment where you realize that you left your hot chocolate on the counter in the kitchen? Then... you jump up, sprint over, and pick it up. Then you take a sip and it’s kinda cold. Well...that’s luke-cold. #lukecoldisaword

β€œShit! My hot chocolate is luke-cold!”

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Luke cold - meaning

opposite to luke warm

suck it rory. luke cold is a word

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