Definder - what does the word mean?

What is low-going?

a phrase that basically means "don't stoop to the level of a jerk"

it'll be ok. they go low, we go high.

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low-going - meme gif

low-going meme gif

low-going - video


Low-going - what is it?

when a guy has the longest boner possible and need to take a crap, and when they sit down on the toilet, the penis goes over the toilet seat, and worrying that they might piss off the seat so they need to lean over super far to get their penis in the toilet area.

Your best friend outside the bathroom: HOW LOW CAN YOU GO!
You: SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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What does "low-going" mean?

Simultaneously high-fiving someone, grabbing their ass, and handing them money for an unrelated purpose.

"Did you remember to pay the water bill today?" "Fer shure. The clerk said he was having a bad week, though, so I made it a High-Low-Here-Ya-Go."

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Low-going - what does it mean?

Fun, crazy, bad ass? Party

A Party term, Awesome event, cool as fuck/shit hit the fan, shenanigans, holla at ur girl! That was fucked up!

Dude did you see that shit?! Birds go low!

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Low-going - meaning

The act of shuffling down, knees together, at a bar filled with underaged girls and shitty music.

Total crowd pleaser.

Jay: "What's he doing"
Tom: "He's gonna go low man, it's a real crowd pleaser, plus the girls love it"

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Low-going - definition

tO Suck dick, to give head

Chris is so crazy if he think i'm gone go low on him or any body else!!

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Low-going - slang

When it’s your first day on the job you the low nigga go .

β€œI ordered pizza” so the low nigga go had to go ….The low nigga go was sent to pick up the pizza order .

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A quiet person who doesn't like meeting new people.

Hey, did see that new girl?
Yeah, I tried talking to her but she's really low-going.

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