Definder - what does the word mean?

What is lorik?

Lorik is a gentelmen who likes a girl alot.
He told her how he feels and she didnt know how to react and laghed a bit and said "really πŸ₯°"
Lorik hold your head up KINGπŸ‘‘

Lorik is a real Gentelmen

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lorik - meme gif

lorik meme gif

lorik - video


Lorik - what is it?

A big chad. A lot of men envy him for having everything they crave. A side effect of this, is that an acompenied vincent likes to simp for him

Simp1: how did he get her?
Simp2: idk heβ€˜s a lorik

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What does "lorik" mean?

Lorik is the one of the name of the boys who have a big dick .Guys who are named Lorik have a dick size of an average of 8inches

Did u see LORIK’s huge dick?
-Yes ohmygod its enormous

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Lorik - what does it mean?

Lorik is a person who only cares about money... He's also very smart and sexy af!

But there is something noone knows: β€žHe's very good in bed!β€œ

Her: β€ži need someone with much money, a long dick and he should be good in bed?β€œ
Lorik: β€žyo, what's poppin'? My name is Lorik!β€œ
Her: β€žomg, i found him skrr skrr!β€œ

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Lorik - meaning

Lorik is a name that has an origin from Albania and Armenia, it's a name for boys. Lorik was the name of an ancient Illyrian King. Illyria is the ancient Albania. King Lorik was a powerful King that was very honest, giving and overral amazing. He fought against the Ottomans and won many wars against them. Therefore it is an awesome name. In Armenian it just means Quail. Yep a fucking Quail.

Lorik is the fucking best
(Yes I know you can tell my names Lorik)

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Lorik - definition

He's a handsome guy. He's not friendly with everyone but he's lovely to his friendship. Sometimes he makes you laugh a lot. And he likes beautiful girls especially blonds with blue eyes.

Hey look at that guy. His name is Lorik.

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Lorik - slang

Lorik is a gentlemen.

Girls like Lorik alot.
Lorik is known as a man with a heart of gold.

Lorik work for his money.

Lorik is a gentlemen who has ten girls behind his "girlfriend".
Girls like him because he got money

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The motherfucker of all motherfuckers
Lorik is an albanian name and means "don't fuck with him,cause he'll gonna fuck you first yaa" and "he has the largest dick on earth😊"

My name is Lorik,im da baws yaa

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