Definder - what does the word mean?

What is loller?

Same application as ROFLCOPTER, except instead of soaring in your roflcopter, you're headed up in the lollerator.

TS: You guys are jerks! I want my severance pay even though I quit!

BT: Lollerator going up!

👍39 👎17

loller - meme gif

loller meme gif

loller - video


Loller - what is it?

A disorder characterized by the excessive use of "lol." leading to physical and psychological harm and impaired social and vocational functioning.

bob: hey joe lol
joe: lol hey bob
bob: hey do you want to go lolerskating? lol
joe: ummmm lol, i think id rather go to the lollerpark and go on the lollercoasters lol.
bob: lol yeah lets see if we can get some people to go lol
joe: lol i called everybody already but nobody picked up lol
bob: lol, yeah i haven't spoken to anyone since we started haning out lol.
joe: yeah thats strange lol.

If you are suffering from lollerism please check out Super Robot

see lollerholic

👍51 👎21

What does "loller" mean?

kinda like lol except somehow more lame

kid: "Lollers, I'm hilarious!"
Other Kid: "Shut up nubert"

👍159 👎89

Loller - what does it mean?

A co-worker who laughs out loud (LOL) at instant messages they receive. This action can be especially disrupting and more often absolutely annoying to other co-workers who are silently furious and disgusted at the serial laugher's complete lack of awareness of their surroundings.

I swear, all that Loller next to me does is giggle with the office girls over IM.

👍115 👎59

Loller - meaning

to lol

I was the sole survivor of the lollocaust, luckily I had my lollerskates along.

👍157 👎75

Loller - definition

1) A person who always says "LoL" and whose mind can't go further

2) dyang70

dyang, tell me the first thing that comes through your mind...

👍273 👎137

Loller - slang

Lollers can be said with multiple L's. My friend Rain created it and i (Rahj Meraj from tahj mahal) am co founder. Join the lollers cult. Ve own a discord channel. It is called Lollers cult.

Lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllers is something u say instead of lol and if u do it ur a lolllllers. AND IT MUST NOT BE SAID WITH MORE THAN 1 O. AND MUST BE SAID WITH MORE THAN 1 L

friend: did u know how funny Shrek looks in that picture
random loller: lollers

👍97 👎21


The correct noun form of the phrase lol. Often used when someone wishes to call attention to something that is worthy of being laughed out loud at.

Person: Let me get a loller on that broken elevator.

Surrounding passers-by: Lollers!

👍29 👎39


A charlatanistic harlot.

Guy: "You slept with him, didn't you?"
Girl: "No, I didn-"
Guy: "Loller!"
Girl: "lollerskates"

👍73 👎95


A 'lol' (laugh out loud) with an added "ler" at the end.

As with "lolz" and "lolz0rz", "loller" is just another form of lol.

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