Definder - what does the word mean?

What is lohl?

Love Of Her Life

She’s missin Lohl

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lohl - video


Lohl - what is it?

Something that is shocking but funny. When someone makes a fool of themselves, and whilst it is embarrassing for themselves, it is amusing to others when they hear the story.

Dave: 'John was so drunk he passed out and crapped his pants.

Peter: '(Lohl my god) really? How embarrassing.'

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What does "lohl" mean?

A off branch of Kohl's. Great prices. Great people. Just everyone is Lohling.

Peter Griffin - "Welcome to Lohl's were everyone is Lohling, Jahahaha"

You - "Wtf?"

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Lohl - what does it mean?

Love of his/ her life

You are the lohl!!!

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Lohl - meaning

1. A variation of the phrase "lol," which is sometimes referred to as "elohel." Originated from a typo.

"Ohemgee, that emo concert was the tits!"
"Lohl, I know!"

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Lohl - definition

love of his life

natalie: i'm the lohl
Becky: wow i didn't know y'all talked

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