Definder - what does the word mean?

What is leggers?

A person or persons that pull the scrotum above the shaft when performing oral sex as to make it appear that they are sucking on the bottom of a drumstick.

See also. chicken leg.

"That dang Chicken Legger wrenched the shit out of my sack last night."

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leggers - meme gif

leggers meme gif

leggers - video


Leggers - what is it?

A one legger is a term used in the world of sales. They refer to a sales appointment, meeting, or pitch, where one of two or more decision-makers are present. The present individual, of course, cannot proceed with the sale without consulting the other decision-maker (the other leg) first.

A sales appointment in which the salesperson shows up to a client's house, only to find one spouse not home. The sale is not completed as the present spouse (the one legger) must talk it over with the non-available spouse.

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What does "leggers" mean?

Is a person who is so desperate, their bare minimum of standards, is just two legs.

That girl is so garbage only a two legger would tap that.

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Leggers - what does it mean?

Irritating/attacking people into chasing you for fun/
Something Chavs do.

Slang originating from St Helens, Merseyside.
Called "chases" in Liverpool, Merseyside.

CHAV: "Did you hear about Liam?

Other CHAV: "No what did he do?"
CHAV: "He spat on some smack'eds and they gave him leggers"

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Leggers - meaning

A hard penis thats not erect that lays right on the leg.
Pos. Noun.

John hung a legger once Jazmin arrived.

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Leggers - definition

When your erect penis is shown through the leg of your pants instead of where the zipper is placed. Usually a nigger would have this happen to him all the time because of its largeness. It's supposedly too big to poke straight forward

Person 1: What the fuck is the dick doing there? Is it growing out of his fucking leg!?
Person 2: Nah, he just has a legger.

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Leggers - slang

Term used to describe soomone (usually a woman) who uses their sexuality to hurt others.

After a huge cat fight, that legger fucked stephanie's boyfriend

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Legger = To run away from something hazardous or shifty.

A version of 'leg it' which means the same thing.

"Anyway, the evening after the night of intimacies with Sharon he ran into her boyfriend. Seeing the size of him, he did a legger."

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one who fantasises about men calves

she's a right leggers

person 1: look at those bad ass calves

person 2: dude, you're such a leggers

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leggins for men

Where did you buy those leggers?

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