Definder - what does the word mean?

What is CHAV?

Stupid annoying arses, need to get a life, think they're superior to the human race, (female and male chavs) shag everything that moves, (male chav) hand always in their pants, (female chav) MUST get pregnant as soon as period starts, regardless of age,
walk with shoulders swinging, obssessed with brand names, play shitty whiny music very piss takingly loudly on buses, hang around Mcdonalds for a meal, talk like twats, look like twats, use cheap deodrant and tell mates "its prada i swear, blud!"

Fuck you, chavs, you killed Britain

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CHAV - meme gif

CHAV meme gif

CHAV - video

CHAV - what is it?

a british stereotype.
male chavs wear fake burberry (bought from sketchy market stalls), trainers, fake gold jewellry, and anything they can get from the sports soccer sale. they are seen with cigarettes, drugs and cheap alcohol(eg strongbow or tesco value lager). they also wear a massive tacky fake diamond in their ear.
chavettes wear massive hoop earrings, shitloads of foundation (the oranger the better), fake designer brands , fake uggs, fake tan, fake anything.
chavs live in council houses and will steal your bike.
make sure you don't make eye contact or they'll yell at you in your face, you wont understand what their saying though.

What do you call a chavette with two brain cells?

Chav a and chav b race off a cliff. Who wins?

what should you do if you run over a chav?
Reverse to make sure

Why shouldn't you run over a chav on a bike?
it might be your bike

brrrrrrap braaaaap dat iz bare sik mannn ennit dooooo

👍1859 👎81

What does "CHAV" mean?

1. An incredibly socially smooth persona.A cool person of class that has the freshest shit in any genre of style or people even if he/she had no contact with the prior. Usually a Chav is underground, urban and everything that doesn't directly involve him/her with glamourous or popular money culture as the mainstay of his/her existence ( unless he/she chooses to at any given moment.

2. To be Chav: to be smooth. To rule some genre of entity without having to big themselves up.

1.Dat man be Chav, star...don' worry bout' them dumb comps cuz he smooth talkin'

2. yo' dat was chav son.

👍57 👎523

CHAV - what does it mean?

Charlotte Henriksen & Lila Ledesma.

"sup bruvvv!"
"init lykkk!"
"we iz such a chav."

"gimmme some drugz yee? i 'av run out."

"wow, look at how cool those people are! they must be charlotte & lila!"

👍29 👎19

CHAV - meaning

Not middle class, privileged and an ignorant wanker.
Often poorly educated as a result of all the middle class wankers monopolising all of the best opportunities for an education.
Nowhere near as bigoted as your average middle class wanker either.
Usually sick of listening to crap spouted by people who are obviously frustrated that not being able to pick on people of different colours has deprived them of targets for their hatred.

I would rather be a chav than a middle class wanker!

👍53 👎79

CHAV - definition

Council House And Violence

see that person livin in a council house and being violent? well that is a CHAV

👍31 👎13

CHAV - slang

A frighteningly unintelligent (AND POOR) creature with no morals or fashion sense. For more information see:White TrashandScratter.

CHAV: Oi! wot u lukin at! I iz well 'ard i iz mate. I'll fukin merk ya! Ya fukin gay goff, innit.
CIVILIZED PERSON: Pardon? I'm afraid i don't speak Working class scrounger language. Can you speak any English?
CIVILIZED PERSON: Please go back to your council estate you pathetic piece of POOR WHITE TRASH.
(Luckily, by this time the police arrive and arrest the chav for breaching the conditions of his Anti Social Behavioural Order.)

👍49 👎27


Radley wells

"you know radley wells?"
"he's a right chav."

👍29 👎11


A CHAV is a person who wears cheap sports wear ALL the time, a mangey cap on their head, hood up and dirty trainers with ear piercings and studs an often spitting, drinking and swearing. Very unstylish in the fashion world but much of the popluation is turning into the stereotypical 'CHAV'.

"Hey Ben look over there its a gang of CHAV s. We should cross over so we don't have to walk past them!"

"No don't worry Bernard, they try and look hard but really they are just loser 10 - 21 year olds. They have no strength but they may have weapons, just don't look them in the eye and run if they talk to you!"

👍33 👎11


1. Council House Associated Vermin

2. A group of slow witted humans who thrive off Fags and Cheap jewelery.

3. Can be seen in your local town centre/ sreet corner in groups between 4-25.

The female parters of the chav are known as chavettes/whores/suts/orange and they are normally dragging along chavlings (small children old enough to be their younger siblings nether mind their children) and they usually wear tracksuits they got form a dingy market stall and have earings large enough that the moon could fit through with grace.

the chav (male) is normally very skinny... and if they are muscley (very rare) then they are normally on steroids.
they have the brain and emotional capacity of a tea spoon and they originated from the townie which are likes chavs but less violent/socially acceptable... but unfortunately they died out in the late nineties/ early 2000's

chavs like to pick on people who are not physically strong but they "hunt" in packs as to provide back up if they need it. if i chav is on his own he will not even look at a passer by in the wrong way because he knows that he is too weak without his friends holding down his victim.
they are associated with council houses and live off money earned by tax payers.

the chav is considered one of the lowest forms of human life and if you ask most british people even a chavs mother they will agree that the best course of action is to push them all of a very high cliff... when the tide is out so that you can see them hit the rocks at the bottom..

4. a chav has very limited vocabulary the most common words used are;


1. "hey what does chav stand for"

"its stands for council house associated vermin"

2. "chavs are such dumb asses they can't tell the difference between piss and lambrini"

3. " those chavs are ruining my shopping trip they keep standing by the designer shops "window shopping" "

4. "init mush i just banged that kid"

roughly translated into our language it means "hello my fellow companen i just beat up that child"

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