Definder - what does the word mean?

What is lauri?

A pretty girl who loves to have a good time. Generally has a great body and kickin' legs, best paired with curly hair. Has a bunch of friends and is a funny drunk.

Talk to a Laurie and realize shes not just hot, she's smart too. Get into her pants and she will rock your world.

"Damn, did you see that babe walkin down the street?"

"Yeah, shes so hot her name must be Laurie."

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lauri - meme gif

lauri meme gif

lauri - video


Lauri - what is it?

a woman with a big heart and knobby knees, a big smile with sweet kisses.

dude you got lauried!

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What does "lauri" mean?

an incredibly beautiful young woman who can be found mostly in DuPage County, Illinois. She is bright, hardworking, and has a very sexy voice.

wow you should see this girl in my night class at COD....she must be a Laurie!

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Lauri - what does it mean?

A Finnish bangable handsome man. Sometimes he is dickhead. He likes to flex with some stupid fake things. Pretty great at school but also at social life. Lauri wears cheap brand clothes. He is really sloppy.
Lauri StarterPack: Brand clothes (Cheap), Newest Iphone with a broken screen, Fucked up sleeping habits, Lots of girls, Expensive car.

Girl: Was you with Lauri yesterday?

Other girl: Yes, and it was AMAZING!

Girl: OMG my turn is coming yesterday.

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Lauri - meaning

HashTag Lauri, a girl you will most likely never know truly cause she is a loner by nature. She is 100 percent content in her own skin, meaning, she will never be afraid of admitting her own faults and doing what she wants to fancy. You will never be able to break her; she may stumble and scrape a knee and sorts, but she will always get back on her feet and rock whatever she chooses! Honesty is her best policy regardless if you like it or not, she will always be true or she will say nothing at all. Her heart is heavy. Her heart is protected. Her heart is hers and it's rare for Her heart to feel unless it's her family and selected friends she chooses to have in her circle. Once you get to truly know a Lauri and she chooses you also, you have a Being you will never want to live without!

You just accept Lauri for who Lauri is...Or you dont!

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Lauri - definition

Laury is gorgeous girl she is tall brown skin. she is a baddie hates fake people and is not a back stabber.

Laury is a cute eprson i wish i was her.

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Lauri - slang

Lauri is a cat lady who thinks she owns rabbits.

These are cats and not rabbits! You are such a Lauri!

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A very beautiful, intelligent, and amazing young lady. Charming young men are bewitched by her loveliness.

Random charming young man: That Laurie is truly breathtaking! I think I have been bewitched, body and soul. Gee, I also think I am in love with her!

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A girl who is funny and nice, who is hot-tempered, but is sweet and trusting on the inside. She is very cute and charming, who will stand for her opinion. Very down to earth. It may come down rude or mean, but she isn’t on the inside! Very Pure-minded

Boy 1: Wow, that Laurie is funny!

Boy 2: She seems rude and mad to me

Boy 1: She’s still cute though!

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Lauri is a Male given name in Finland.

Lauri are often very funny and intelligent, and are the life of the party. However sometimes they can get carried away with impressing others, sometimes leading to embarrassing situations. Lauri are usually very good with people and get along swimmingly with almost everyone.

Lauri are known for being very athletic and attractive and make great lovers, often having very good skills in bed which coincide with their people skills. On top of being usually well endowed, Lauri are often very good lovers and partners for life.

If you find a Lauri who is loving and caring and puts you first above everything else, keep him and marry him

Have you seen Lauri?

Yes, he’s over there talking with his friends. Im so jealous, of him.. he’s so popular and attractive, i wish i was more like him!

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