Definder - what does the word mean?

What is krank?

When an incredibly strong body builder crumbles helplessly to the assault of a standard sized person raping them.

Did you see the way that large man got krank farshed?

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krank - meme gif

krank meme gif

krank - video


Krank - what is it?

When you have an extreme feeling of hatred towards the hit movie "Christmas With The Kranks."

Johnny:"Hey! Wanna join the Christmas With The Kranks Hating club?"
Julius: "Yes! I hate that movie oh so much."

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What does "krank" mean?

a rare form of krank that turns peapole into pirates.
this will make you want to pillage, plunder, and look for booty, and all types of ill shit.

when i woke up very late in the day with a treasure chest in my hands, i knew i took some pirate krank.

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Krank - what does it mean?

Crazy + Dank = Crank

But the "C" in "Crank" isn't crazy enough to describe how dank said bud is. Therefore, the word "krazy" is more fitting. Thus, krank.

Mang.. I was so high last night! That bud was krank!

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Krank - meaning

the word that describes the relationship between Kristen and Frank. Kristen + Frank = KRANK!

Yo i saw Krank hittin' up the mall.

OMG Zanessa and Krank went to the movies together for a double date!

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Krank - definition

Drugs man drugs

that was some good krank!

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Krank - slang

To masturbate and cry at the same time

Jim's so depressing, he's in his room having a Krank now..

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When somebody cries, while they also wank.

Dean is always Kranking, he's a bit weird.

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gimme a hit of that krank...playa

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A person that is ashamed of his own name.

A fortnite kiddo who wants to be called by his nickname "kalata".


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