Definder - what does the word mean?

What is knuckle chuckle?

noun: knuckle-head

a stupid person.

adjective: fucking

used to emphasize or express annoyance with someone or something.

noun: chuckle-head

a stupid person

Going opposing traffic with lights and sirens whilst the oncoming traffic does not pull to the right and stops directly in front of you with a deer and a head lights look.


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knuckle chuckle - video


Knuckle chuckle - what is it?

Same thing as spanking it and whackin' it!

Thomas went to the bathroom to do the ol' right-handed knuckle chuckle.

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What does "knuckle chuckle" mean?

The act of inserting your ring and middle fingers into a female's vagina while simultaneously inserting your index finger into her ass up to the knuckles.

I gave that ho the Three-Knuckle Chuckle!

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Knuckle chuckle - what does it mean?

pronoun. to mastubate, to jerk-off

I saw dis chill on T.V earlier, slut made me wanna do the five-knuckle chuckle.

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Knuckle chuckle - meaning

a slang term used for male masturbation.

"what took you so long, were you out back doing the five knuckle chuckle?"

"she was so hot, I had to do a five knuckle chuckle when I got home."

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Knuckle chuckle - definition

act of masturbation

Tonight I'm gonna have a five knuckle chuckle.

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Knuckle chuckle - slang

When a woman gets fisted in her vagina so quickly that her moans sound like chuckles.

"My boyfriend taught me the Knuckle Chuckle last night for New Years."

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