Definder - what does the word mean?

What is kit connor?

When the internet forced Kit Connor to out himself before he was ready due to online arguments, backlash, accusations of "queerbaiting", etc.
Recently being used to avoid forcing someone to come out and to remind everyone of what will happen.

Person A: "If Insert Person doesn't come out as a part of the LGBTQ+, then they're fishing for fame."
Person B: "Calm down, you're acting like the definition of why the Kit Connor situation happened."

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kit connor - video


Kit connor - what is it?

people accusing this actor of queer baiting which resulted in him being pressured to come out as bisexual.

β€œhave you seen that video of jenna ortega and the lesbian flag? i’m trying to see if she means β€˜yes i support you!’ or β€˜we are the same!’ you know?”

β€œyes i have but please don’t turn this into the kit connor situation…’

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What does "kit connor" mean?

force somebody to come out of the closet because of useless gay discourse on the internet (queerbaiting accusations etc.)

β€œthis celebrity pointed at a pride flag. they must be gay.”
β€œdon’t pull a kit connor on them.”

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Kit connor - what does it mean?

to publicly force a celebrity to come out about their sexuality against their will due to accusations of queer baiting

β€œdon’t make it another kit connor situation with X celebrity”

β€œit’s going to be another kit connor situation if you if people keep insisting questions”

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Kit connor - meaning

My husband,

Kit Connor is Mello’s bf

Anyway his golden brown hair and the beautiful freckles on his perfect face

Someone:”Hey do you know Kit Connor?”
Someone else:”Oh you mean Mello’s boyfriend.”

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Kit connor - definition

To speculate about someone's sexuality or accuse them of queerbaiting to the point where they are forced to come out earlier than they were comfortable with.

"Did you see Jenna Ortega point at herself after seeing that lesbian flag? Its so obvious she's a lesbian. She really needs to come out or she'll get called a queerbaiter."

"Stop trying (to) Kit Connor her."

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Kit connor - slang

Kit Connor is a British actor best known for his leading roll in "Heartstopper". Kit Connor also plays young Elton John in the film "Rocketman". Kit Connor is hot.

Kit Connor is a Hottie

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Kit connor



omg that was so kit connor

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Kit connor

to kit connor someone is to force a celebrity to come out due to accusations of queerbaiting or speculation about their sexuality.

β€œleave maya hawke alone, don’t kit connor her.”

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