Definder - what does the word mean?

What is keebled?

A fat little nonce who’s family is falling apart and he has no friends at school and his hated by everyone

You gonna turn into a Jayden keeble no one likes a Jayden keeble

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keebled - meme gif

keebled meme gif

keebled - video


Keebled - what is it?

big lump of a car made in the 70's.

"Nice car, what is it?"
"It's a gordon keeble"

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What does "keebled" mean?

The Keeble Alert describes when an individual strikes a pose to attract the opposite sex or to impress the same sex. It may sometimes involve the raising of an eyebrow or hand to face movements. First practiced by Ed Keeble.

Look its the keeble alert

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Keebled - what does it mean?

A sussy Baka, idiot, wears glasses all the time and won't stop being mean to others, they play human fall flat and Fortnite all the time

Stop being such a " Jayden Keeble " gamer.

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Keebled - meaning

Cool kid :)

Guy 1: He is SUCH a Harry Keeble.
Guy 2: Oh definitely.

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Keebled - definition

A keeble is another word for backwash.

Gross! There are keebles in your water!

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Keebled - slang

Insult used on someone, as a substitute for Owned, or similar.

Origin: Craig Keeble. Search for the verb "keeble" for more information.

"Ha! Keebled"

"Man, you got so Keebled!"

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Famously known from the near oscar winning movie, β€œMax keeble’s big move”, when a principle makes a misbehaving student buttchug rotten milk following that with a butt plug and forcing them to do 100 burpees in the middle of the gymnasium at the school pep rally.

β€œZach dont masturbate here in the cafeteria, principle jessie is gonna give you the keeble.”

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(v) The act of "fingering" someone up the anus. The act of inserting ones finger into the anus of another person. Originated from someone overshooting when with their girlfriend.

If someone is fingered up their anus by their boyfriend/girlfriend, they are said to have been keebled. Keebling being the act of fingering someone up the anus. One can also poke other people's arses (through clothing) and say "keebled", this is an immature way of keebling someone.

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royally messed up; irrepairable; fubar

This GL account structure is keebled up!

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