Definder - what does the word mean?

What is k-mart's?

a place where they work you to death and the managers don't do shit so in other words your a slave for about 7 dollars and hour i know because i work there

Dustin: " hey eric what are you doing tonight?"
Eric: "working at k mart."
Dustin "man you a k slave."

👍93 👎55

k-mart's - meme gif

k-mart's meme gif

k-mart's - video


K-mart's - what is it?

so low has to have Martha Stewart

Today on Living With Martha....My Cheap Shit From K-Mart

👍211 👎149

What does "k-mart's" mean?

Derogatory adjective describing objects of poor quality or shabby appearance, or untidy people.
Originally used in primary schools in Wagga Wagga, a city in South Western NSW, Australia in the late 1970s and early 80s. To my knowledge, it has never spread, but is a nice little piece of juvenile social history.

"His haircut is just so K-Mart"

👍207 👎109

K-mart's - what does it mean?

A department store that sells, among other items, notoriously unfashionable/poor quality clothing. All clothing brands are licensed exclusively to K-Mart (i.e. Route 66) and quite unsuccessfully attempt to mimic current trends.

Associated with a demographic that is either low income, cheap by choice, or fashionably inept.

Popular Kid: "John's such a dork, saying those lameass sneakers with no logo are real skate shoes. He probably got them at K-Mart."

Social Reject: "My mom's gonna take me to K-Mart tomorrow to get some cool t-shirts."

👍323 👎171

K-mart's - meaning

A retail store, unlike Walmart, who understands that music censorship is Un-American and gives people the right to choose from a good selection of cheap, unedited CDs.

Man, Walmart sucks ass yo. Let's check out the CDs at K mart where we can buy our PA CDs, yo.

👍345 👎179

K-mart's - definition

Something cheap and unwanted.

Dude! That car is so k-mart. I would never ride in that thing

👍611 👎231

K-mart's - slang

A deptmartent store getting their asses handed to them, by Wal-Mart and Target.

I hate K-Mart.

👍795 👎303


A once powerful mass merchandiser that was brought to its knees by Wal-Mart and Target - now is in bankrupcy. Used to be a fairly good store in the 70's and 80's but the corporation never updated stores or merchandise. Prices were high, employees were always jerks and the quality of K-Mart clothing was and still is horrible.

"K-Mart Sucks, Ray"

👍951 👎299


Ghetto small mall

I got my food stamps! let go to K-mart.

👍697 👎189


Wal*Mart's wordbitch/word

👍2387 👎321