Definder - what does the word mean?

What is jody's?

Ussually associated with a really beautiful, stunning girl, with large eyes, and soft lips. People named Jodie ussually end up dating guys called James, especially hot, sexy and handsome ones who they were just destined to be with.

Someone: That Jodie should be dating James right now.

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jody's - meme gif

jody's meme gif

jody's - video


Jody's - what is it?

A girl who spins your world with her awesome but slightly blonde fun loving personality.
Has amazing vivid blue eyes and slightly camp mannerisms, hugely into the ladies and has no clue how loveable she is!
Everyone wants a Jodie as a friend, most want her in bed!

Dude that chicks fit as...

Yeah dude she so is but she's all about the ladies, she's a right Jodie , wish she was my Jodie!!

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What does "jody's" mean?

In the Marines, a "Jody" is a generalized term meaning: any man who stays home while everyone else goes to war. He gets to enjoy all the things the Marines are missing, more specifically the Marine's girlfriend back at home while the Marine is away on active duty. The reason that they're called Jody specifically dates back to black soldiers in WWII. They took a character from old blues songs named Joe the Grinder (or Joe D. Grinder) who would steal the ladies of inmates and soldiers, and clipped his name to Jody.

That's why they say, "Jody's back home, fucking your girlfriend."

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Jody's - what does it mean?

Jodie, is a once in a life time chance. Amazing, she has it all. A face you will never forget, eyes that are blue with a yellow ring like fire around them that make you loose yourself in her beauty. she has an amazing body. No matter how much you say she's beautiful, she wont accept your compliment even though she is a 100% stunner. As well with the looks Jodie's personality doesn't fail to impress. She is very creative and always makes you smile, just by being her self. there is one simple word to describe her, 'PERFECT'. Guaranteed to be the first and last thing on your mind.

WOW! she's so perfect, I bet her name is Jodie.

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Jody's - meaning

Jodie Is a slang word in jails and prisons it's when your wife or girlfriend looks to another man to satisfy her needs until you come home.

Jodie been at the house with me just so you know I can't wait 10 years

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Jody's - definition

The cutest, most beautiful girls in the world who is shy to show love around others but once alone doesn't stop showing it until the very last second you leave. A very loyal friend who never means to cause you sadness. A.K.A. the sweetest girl in the world.

How would you describe that girl over there?
Shes a Jodie, bro.

Ah, i want one.
Too bad she's mine. ;)

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Jody's - slang

He's usually at home banging your wife at home while your away on active duty. An urban legend among drill sergeants to embarrass new recruit

"You got a girlfriend?"
"Yes sir."
"Think again she's banging Jody right now, now give me 20 each time she bangs someone this month."

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Jodi is an amazing girl who will be one of the funniest people you will ever have in your life.
Jodi can hold her own but is also very caring and protective of her friends.
Jodi will always be true to those who stick by her and you should keep her close.
If you need something important or have to ask her for something serious she will always be there for u and she’ll save her favour for later.
Relationship wise Jodi’s are loyal and will love you for you and stick with you through thick and thin, NEVER LET HER GO!

Wow! Look at Jodi go!

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An amazing person who cares so much for people and no matter what won’t judge you and is so friendly to everyone and always puts other people before her and she has an amazing smile who loves talking to new people

Jodi is so funny

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A true friend who gives someone a chance before she judges them.

Is there for anyone who is hurt or feeling hurt. Good at making people feel better.

Lights up a room with her smile. A loyal companion. Never uses people for there advantages.

Is kind hearted to those who are as well.

jodie the best person to become friends with

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