Definder - what does the word mean?

What is jinged?

To puke/ cum on the floor excessively. Or so in a disgusting manner.

Dude, why'd you jing on my grandma's carpet!?

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jinged - meme gif

jinged meme gif

jinged - video


Jinged - what is it?

A common Mandarin word used to express respect. Often used by P.Dir when he is impressed. Most commonly used as a noun, verb, adjective and an interjection; however, with Jing being commonly used in many high schools in Hong Kong, its use is understandably evolving.

1) Man Jingr!
2) You've got 95% for your chinese test? Jing!
3) Lets go jing some lunch.
4) That's a jing face you got there.
5) Lets jing some Halo before the SSC shows up.
6) Why are you so jing?
7) I jing-ed a 94% for my Chem test.

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What does "jinged" mean?

1) a mandarin chinese name - for girl or boy

means: to compete

2) characteristics of a person who is extremely competitive, perfectionist, lacking in originality due to imitating and copying others that are perceived as rivals or a threat to their success

and also may suffer from low self-image/self-esteem and fear of rejection and failure

3) someone who will use all means and eliminate all things/people in order to achieve goals

someone who takes everything as a competition and losing is worse than death for such people.

4) someone who is easily offended and will hold grudges. anything/anyone that damages reputation, loosing face, being embarrassed is especially infuriating for this type.

5) someone who will lie/pretend to put itself in a better light or to fit in or look better than the crowd.

He flipped when he lost the ping pong game - what a jing!

My girlfriend would rather dump me than to lose study time - so jing eh?

Nah, don't bother with him - he's a total jing! Won't acknowledge you unless you're above his academic standing.

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Jinged - what does it mean?

To ejaculate or cum. Masturbation followed by ejaculation.

Dude, dont jing on my floor you fuck.

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Jinged - meaning

1. To masturbate (often implied as frequently so)

Man, that kid Jings too much.

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Jinged - definition

A scottish slang exclamation. Same use as words like "cripes" or "---sakes". Also used to swear by.

By jings! This is terrible!

Jings, crivvens, rot and excrement!

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Jinged - slang

The definition of a stud ginger person

That guy is a sexy Jinge aka Jason Molloy

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Jing jing is a girl who sleeps on silk soft pillows and loves #sleepovers !! she’ll always kiss your babies and dye her hair

look, her hair is dyed, that’s so

jing jing

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1.(noun) a female ninja, a panda, a crazy spazz, a dragon
2.(verb) Action that involves with total ownage in something.
3.(adjective) word describing weird, random, crazy, multitalented, multi-tasker, PROcrasntinator, dragon

1. Jing Jing is panda.
2. I totally Jing Jing'ed you in poker.
3. Dude did you see that Jing Jing kid? She's so weird.

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When a very skilled ninja shapeshifts into a ferocious dragon and breathes out azul hot blue fire and roasts the enemy (like a coffee bean).

You just got jinged by that cool dragon!

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