Definder - what does the word mean?

What is jing jing?

Jing jing is a girl who sleeps on silk soft pillows and loves #sleepovers !! sheโ€™ll always kiss your babies and dye her hair

look, her hair is dyed, thatโ€™s so

jing jing

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jing jing - video


Jing jing - what is it?

1.(noun) a female ninja, a panda, a crazy spazz, a dragon
2.(verb) Action that involves with total ownage in something.
3.(adjective) word describing weird, random, crazy, multitalented, multi-tasker, PROcrasntinator, dragon

1. Jing Jing is panda.
2. I totally Jing Jing'ed you in poker.
3. Dude did you see that Jing Jing kid? She's so weird.

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