Definder - what does the word mean?

What is jiggawatt?

A phrase from the film Back to the Future. It was used in the movie by the Doc to voice concern that something needs to be more powerful.

Today, we use the same phrase to explain that things need to be more powerful or better.

Jon: Dude, my MP3 player can't hold anymore songs. It's only 256MB.

Mike: Needs more jiggawatts.


Sam: This computer is too slow.

Judy: Needs more jiggawatts.


Mary: I bought a used Geo Metro. Needs more jiggawatts.

Beth: Hells yea.


Sam: How do you like these wings? I made them extra spicy.

Tony: Needs more jiggawatts!

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jiggawatt - video


Jiggawatt - what is it?

Another term for a useless nigger

β€œHey man, mind if I eat this last slice?”
β€œBoi, if you don’t getcho jiggawatt ass outta here, Ima beat the shit outta ya”

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What does "jiggawatt" mean?

A monster that resides in a CPU. Shining light on the processor will increase the size of the Jiggawatt, thereby making your computer faster. Always have a mirror on hand in case the Jiggawatt gets too large - a Compact Disc will do - as the Jiggawatt only retreats when shown an image of itself. A Jiggawatt is affected by the number of Hertz in your motherboard. Sellotaping disc drives to yourself upsets the balance of the Hertz and makes it safe to approach the Jiggawatt.

"Dave donned his suit of disc drives, grasped his CD and prepared to fight the Jiggawatt.

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Jiggawatt - what does it mean?

A form of Black power. The name is derived from the fusing of the words Jiggaboo (referring to a Black person, AKA a "nigger") and Gigawatt, which is a unit of power. A Jiggawatt is generally more powerful than a Gigawatt, because the speed of black is always faster. One may determine the Jiggawatt output by affixing an Ohmmeter or multimeter to the subject, prefferbly the nostrils and having them clench a fist.

When we hooked up to a multimeter to Malcolm X to get an estimate of how many Jiggawatt 's he was was putting out per speech; the meter went from "Oh hell no", all the way up to "Fo shizzle"

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Jiggawatt - meaning

When a girls fat ass jiggles/ripples when she walks, twerks, gets slapped, etc.

john: "look at that girl walking"

tim: " damnnn, that girl got jiggawatts when she walks"

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Jiggawatt - definition

An unkind/prejudicial word for a black person from the Los Angeles subburb of Watts?

Hey, isn't that jigg-a-watts resident?

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Jiggawatt - slang

Unit of measure, used to describe how enjoyable something may be. Derived from rap artist Jay-Z's frequently employed euphemism "jigga."

"Yo, dat dime piece kickin like 500 jiggawatts up in dis piece."

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the amount of energy uselessly expended each day by a single fucktard

"You fucktard, I bet you burned a whole jiggawatt coming up with that stupid ass idea."

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the jiggle from a slap, or grab of a phat booty

damn that girl gotta jiggawatt

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A common 1980s-era mispronounciation of gigawatt, made infamous by Robert Zemeckis's "Back to the Future" trilogy.

"One point twenty one jiggawatts!"

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