Definder - what does the word mean?

What is jibba?

Mr Tism: means 'alot of crap', fool

enough jibba jabba, fool!
you talking a whole load o' jibba jabba!

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jibba - video


Jibba - what is it?

The term that Mr. T uses when he thinks you're talking non-sense shit.

Don't be talkin' Jibba Jabba Foo!

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What does "jibba" mean?

Mr. T's way of saying Bullshit.

What this crazy foo' talkin' Jibba Jabba 'bout now?

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Jibba - what does it mean?

to speak non-sensical , meaningless or pointless statements or comments.

"quit yo' jibba jabba, fool"

Mr T - The A-Team

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Jibba - meaning

('jib-uh jab-uh')

noun: A long-winded dialogue full of bullshit and rhetoric. Often spoken by Mr.T when he wishes you to shut the fuck up.

Quit yo jibba jabba, sucka!

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Jibba - definition

A man/woman whose so utterly trash at video games, such as Super Smash Bro’s or Borderlands, that they require drags of a JUUL pod in order to not become a dick nose.

I need the Jibba after that 3-stock.

Lemme get that jibba, I’m completely trash right now

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Jibba - slang

A slow minded and dimwitted individual, who lacks the ability to think for himself.
Often considered gay, especially with large Asians.
Has bizarre toilet habits and is hated by all!

"you're a Jibba!"
"Shut up Jibba!"
"Jibba Johnson."

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A jibba, is a prank played by someone on another.

There is a radio station that does "phone jibbas" each morning, where the station calls a random person and plays a prank on them.

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a fat joint provided by the one friend who knows how to roll a joint to the kid who just always has the pot

ex:george alwways has pot Jordan always rolls the jibba

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a joint, a spliff, a marijuana cigarette

"A Jibba a Day Keeps the Doctor Away"

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