Definder - what does the word mean?

What is jew boy?

A big boy who is a Jew. He likes Fatebags. He loves a good schnitzel in the morning. Oh ya.

Conner was a Big Boy Jew today. He needed to stop . So he got fated.

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jew boy - video


Jew boy - what is it?

White kid who has wanna-be Odell Beckham Jr. Hair and an extremely large nose.

Have you seen that prick ass jew boy in the library lately, Yeah, he broke his nose in a doorway.

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What does "jew boy" mean?

Quite possibly the only jew at St. Albans. Originally from the ghetto (aka Murch Elementary). Bad ass activities include the D.C. Youth Orchestra, snow boarding, and creating cool websites with his minions: Shep, Gunner, and Hans, otherwise known as the WASP-eters. Formally known as Mr. Elley Blanchet.

In a world of popped collars and checkered shorts, Isaac Jew Boy Wasserman is a refreshing antidote. Has a twin.

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Jew boy - what does it mean?

Usually names start with a β€œN,” and they are short and fat. They try to brag about how good they are at wrestling. Doesn’t fit any position in sports because they run like something is in their ass. Then most importantly they pick every penny up from the ground.

I am basically just a Jew Boy that loves coins.

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Jew boy - meaning

a nice rich person

yo jew-boy

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Jew boy - definition

One who is named Shane and is Jewish. Can often be used to get the attention of a Jewish boy. Also these boys do not get bitches.

"Hey Jew Boy, why don't you come over here. So you can suck this dick."

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Jew boy - slang

A term coined to describe a person not yet willing to accept their Jewish heritage, but often resembling a Jew. Can be used as an insult or a nick-name.

"Dude!! That is one epic jew-fro you got goin on there."
"I told you, I'm not Jewish"

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Jew boy

a jew resemebling or acting as a jew would act. useally has nice truck and gets people to buy his stuff.

Me: weres jew-boy at?

Friend: probly off hiding his jew gold.
Me: hes gonna be pissed when he finds out i took it.

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Jew boy

name given to someone who acts like a jew.

You're playing a game and get to pick who's going to be out.."umm........JEW BOY!"

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Jew boy

usually used to refer to a young male who is jewish, but in more of a derogatory manner.

instead of using the boy's name, 'jew boy' is often used to piss this person off.

"you wanna go? bring it, jew boy!"

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