Definder - what does the word mean?

What is jerkin the gerkin?

Adolescent boy who has pictures of naked women on his bedroom walls.

Man, that kid with the nudy posters is such a jerkin-gerkin-heimer. gerkin-heimergerkin heimer

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jerkin the gerkin - video


Jerkin the gerkin - what is it?

Of the male: Masturbating with a pubic wig on.

"Geeves, what on earth are you doing in Lord Boddington's room this late at night?"

"Sorry, ma'am, but I heard a commotion down the hall, so I scurried to investigate the matter. Twas but a false alarm, the young master was simply jerkin' the gerkin with a merkin"

From "Geeves, that the stupid thing off his genitals" by Forsworth Littlingshire

👍35 👎29

What does "jerkin the gerkin" mean?

It's when someone is whacking off and the start cummin everywhere it's also what Chris' hockey coach calls him!!!

Hey, Gianormus Jake stop jerkin ur gerkin

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Jerkin the gerkin - what does it mean?

masturbating, wasting time.

"whats taking you so long? you jerkin your gerkin?"

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Jerkin the gerkin - meaning

To masturbate or pleasure oneself. Particularly in a sneaky or humorous way. Mainly applied to males.

I was jerkin my gerkin before the boss walked into my office.

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Jerkin the gerkin - definition

vigorously masturbate

i jerk the gerkin' everyday

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Jerkin the gerkin - slang

the act of masterbating, jacking off, beating off.

when i was younger i was jerkin-a-gerkin and my mom came home and caught me.

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Jerkin the gerkin

Slang For Masturbating}

I caught him jerkin the gerkin

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Jerkin the gerkin

choking the chicken beating off smackin and Wackin

(use females' hand when availble), put lube on hand and and stroke cock

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Jerkin the gerkin

Beating off, paddling the pud, spanking the monkey, rubbing the meat.

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