Definder - what does the word mean?

What is jamon?

"Too much ham for 2 eggs!"
1. A fat girl dating a skinny, frail man
2. A stunningly beautiful woman dating an insignificant man.

That girl is dating that guy?! She is mucho jamon para dos huevos!

👍31 👎11

jamon - meme gif

jamon meme gif

jamon - video


Jamon - what is it?

A piece of ham from the depths of Spain. Definitely one of the best pieces of a pig.

You: Have you had any Jamon Iberico yet?
Me: Yes, it is the best.

👍25 👎11

What does "jamon" mean?

Nickname of Dave the Sloth's imaginary girlfriend.

Chips: "When are you gunna know...jamone?"

Moz: "What's up Jamone?!?"
Chips: "Haha jamone!"

Moz: "YO! JAMONE!"

Moz: "(burps) JAMONE!"

👍27 👎19

Jamon - what does it mean?

form of shamone or shamon, only spelled and said a little differently

Jamone, bruthah!

👍49 👎41

Jamon - meaning

Spanish word for "ham."

Me gustan jamon y huevos.

👍99 👎61

Jamon - definition

An awesome, absolutely hilarious kid who is in a band called The Silence. He posts these extremely entertaining videos in Youtube, totally check them out. They are so funny. Do the fishy face! Do the fishy faceeee!

Guy 1: "Hey, have you seen Jamon in that video teaching you how sing screamo?"

Guy 2: "Hell yeah! Dude, that cracked me up!"

Guy 1: "I know, right!?"

👍129 👎83

Jamon - slang

big but not too big and very cool. (emphasis on the cool)

Have you ever seen the bands recording studio, it's jamonic!

👍33 👎11


Jamon is sexy and hot asf. He loves his bae. He also is in love with another girl. Jamon is also smart and talented. He attracts girls and everyone loves him especially his secret admirer. Jamon is also very good in bed with the girl he really loves.

Omg I wish I was like Jamon
Jamon was so good in bed omg

👍67 👎21


Come hither my dear friend as we have much to accompish today.

Interchangable with: come on, comeon, comon, c'mon, cmon, GTFOH, and GOH

Carter, get off the stage!
Jamone Lee!

👍147 👎31


Jamon is a person everyone can count on, he's the new “Super Mario” having to save the day no matter what part of the day it is. He is also an athlete especially in basketball, the sweetest guy and any girl would be very lucky to have him, sacrificial, caring and most of all a family man a smart person in his academics, he may fail at some point but he will never give in he will get back up and do it again

I wish we have a Jamon around here to prove capabilities.

👍165 👎35