Definder - what does the word mean?

What is shamone?

According to Spike Lee, from his Bad 25 documentary, "Shamone" "isn't just a cool way to say "come on," but MJ's tribute to soul singer Mavis Staples, who used it in a live version of "I'll Take You There" in 1975."

Source :

See the video where "Shamone" was first used by YouTubing Mavis Staples- I'll Take You There

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shamone - meme gif

shamone meme gif

shamone - video


Shamone - what is it?

Michael Jackson's way of saying "C'mon!".

You know I'm bad! I'm bad! You know it! You know it! You know! You know! You know! Shamon! And the whole world has to answer right now, so I'll tell you once again who's bad!

👍2093 👎265

What does "shamone" mean?

Slang used by black crazy assed mo-fo's

shamone, I'm the Mo Fo Man

👍49 👎121

Shamone - what does it mean?

To keep it moving. Used as a greeting-Noreaga

Yo Anthony *what what* shamone

👍49 👎73

Shamone - meaning

amazingly cool

someone has anew hat
joe says "shamone thats a cool hat

👍69 👎79

Shamone - definition

Say it when you like something

Shamone, I like it sister

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Shamone - slang

it means come on
can be used in a moment of shock

shamone get ur ass in gear
some one gets a shock shamone!!

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it simply means come one only Michael Jackson style

he used it in songs like Bad and others but if you read the lyrics you'll find it written c'mon not shamone

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michael jackson used it in his music. means anything you want. shamone!

yo that was nice. SHAMONE!

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Shamone comes from the Michael Jackson song "Bad" released in 1987. It is a distinctive deliberate mispronunciation of "come on" used frequently by Jackson, occasionally spelt "cha'mone", "jamone" or more commonly "shamone".

Today shamone can be used pretty much the same way "word" is commonly used.

"Come on, man, we're going to the bar. I said, SHAMONE!"

"Ok, I'm coming."

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