Definder - what does the word mean?

What is james michael?

The name James michael Shaffer is a very strong name. It means wisdom knowledge strength. He walks tall and always as a leader. One who knows when to lead and follow.

You could be like a James michael shaffer

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james michael - video


James michael - what is it?

Est. August 7, 2021. This day is dedicated to a sexy, funny, hardworking, passionate man who means the world to me. He wears many job titles, gardner, electrician, scientist, trucker, mechanic!! On this day we celebrate all of Michael James David’s favorite activities, foods, and sayings! One of the best days out of the year. Nobody compares to Michael James David.

Let’s celebrate international Michael James David Day!

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What does "james michael" mean?

A certain individual with a forest of penises in and around their mouth

"That faggot is such a Michael James Doughty"

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James michael - what does it mean?

A great loyal friend to those he trust but to the enemy they better watch out also a hunk with the lady's silver toung.

James Michael Lawrence black is here hide your girl

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James michael - meaning

A blue eyed, handsome hunk of twisted steel and sex appeal. When your girl has a wet dream/fantasy she says it’s about you but it’s really about this stud muffin

Linda, I had another dream about James Michael Smith. We had sex for hours.

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James michael - definition

1. trash can
2. not cool

that guy is SO james michael! ugh!

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James michael - slang

1. a short 135 lb. runner that lives on a dirt road in pennsylvania
2. a person who is beaten regularly by members of S^2, and has a points system
3. dorky mello aerospace engineer runner kid, who is kind of funny looking

Negative 10,000 points for being James!

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James michael

1. a short, funny looking kid from middle-of-nowhere, pennsylvania
2. a person who has no friends
3. ugly

Ugh, look at that guy, he's SO james michael!

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James michael

anyone who shows superior intellect over you

I got into an argument with him but he was James Michael over me, so i wet myself and went emo in the corner of my room for hours

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