Definder - what does the word mean?

What is jafaican?

somebody,usually black whos mind leads them to believe they are jamaican but in reality they aint no jamaican

anne-marie is such a jafaican

👍83 👎105

jafaican - video


Jafaican - what is it?

When some one is trying act getto or gangsta but with a jamaican bent.

"Tom has had his hair in dreads for months now". "Yea, he is Jafaican".

👍73 👎41

What does "jafaican" mean?

A Jamaican wanna' be.

(Fake Jamaican)
(White but wants to be black)

"Your a Jafaican!" "What's that?" "A fake Jamaican"

👍55 👎27

Jafaican - what does it mean?

A person that acts like they Jamaican ie;try talk like they jamaican, try act like they jamaican but they're not!

👍239 👎85

Jafaican - meaning

Anyone with an obsession with Jamaican music, hairstyles (dreadlocks), and clothing. They tend to listen to Bob Marley and other types reggae. And occasionally they will throw on a fake accent. If you see a Jafaican don't ask them for weed. Because for some strange reason they usually don't smoke.

1.Anyone with bad dreads is jafaican.

2.Someone blasting reggae out of their car is jafaican.

3. Anyone with more than two Bob Marley pictures in their house is jafaican.

4.Someone that wishes they can be like Bob Marley might be jafaican.

5.Non-smoking Jamaicans are jafaican.

👍37 👎71

Jafaican - definition

Singer or actor who claims to be from Jamaica, trying to sound cool with fake accent.

Those two Sean guys, one a Jamaican, the other's a jafaican.
uh uh uh uh oh ooh....

👍59 👎67

Jafaican - slang

a person who pretends to be jamaican.

a middle class suburban white kid using patoi.
"me nah know botty ridah fa rotty bidah!"
.'wow.that kids a jafaican."

👍121 👎49


Jafaican is a dialect of English becoming more common in London's West End, within the tradition boundaries of the Cockney dialect: within the sound of the Bow bells and is slowly replacing Cockney. Jafaican is a mixture of English, Jamaican, West Indian and Indian language elements.

Some Jafaican, for you reading pleasure:

Safe, man. You lookin buff in dem low batties. Dey's sick, man. Me? I'm just jammin wid me bruds. Dis my yard, innit? Is nang, you get me? No? What ends you from then?

Jafaican is the British ebonics.

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