Definder - what does the word mean?

What is jaele?

a girl that is sweet , kind , tall and an amazing friend. She is caring and down for everything. Friends with guys so she can suck all theyre cocks

Jaelee come suck our cocks

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jaele - meme gif

jaele meme gif

jaele - video


Jaele - what is it?


Praise be to jaele

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What does "jaele" mean?

Blonde girl Nick name " usually Jelly or Pie" very fun person!! does Drugs but not alot!!!!with amazing friends prolly pudding friends " vanilla and butterscottch" With a bubbley personality

Jaelee is soooo Jiggly!!

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Jaele - what does it mean?

Some dumb crackehead bitch who will be loyal to you unless you decide to fuck her or her friends over and when that happens you will have actual hell to pay
They're normally pretty tall with blue eyes
Be careful when pushing her to far because she can and will snap
Don't try her bitch she'll fuck your shit up.

Oh shit its Jaelee-

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Jaele - meaning

Jaelee is a very good friend he will be on your side no matter what.good times
Or bad times.Be glad you have a friend like that

Wow jaelee thanks for being a good friend

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Jaele - definition

Jaelee is someone who is very kind and sweet. She can be naive but she doesn’t lack common sense. She is a great friend and fits the blonde hair blue eye mold. You will be very lucky if you have a Jaelee as a friend. She is nice but watch your back she can turn on you at anytime. Treat her like a princess and you will be treated equally.

Is she a Jaelee?

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Jaele - slang

A person that is very skilled with bombs and is in a bomb sqaud

Dam I jael’d That person house

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Jael (or alternately, Yael) is the biblical heroine in the book of Judges who killed the Canaanite captain Sisera to deliver Israel from the troops of king Jabin. She hid him in her tent and, while he slept, drove a tent peg through his temple. She was the wife of Heber the Kenite. (Read Judges 4 for more info)

Jael: a name of Hebrew origin meaning "Mountain Goat".

"Blessed above all women be Jael, wife of Heber the Kenite, blessed above all women in the tents." Judges 5:24

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Jael is an amazingly gorgeous, intelligent and independent girl. She has a wonderful sense of fashion and loves to be trendy. She is usually quiet and stays away from people, but if you meet a Jael, you're very lucky. You should feel stupid to have broken up with Her. You should never toy or hurt a Jael's feelings because it will bite you back in the ass. You should feel exhilarated to have a Jael as a girlfriend.

Shivali: "My best friend's name is Jael...she is literally my unbiological sister!!!"

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Jael’s are typically very kind hearted. They have their weird and awkward moments and several flaws but that’s what makes them unique. When you find a Jael it’s not only their beauty that will intrigue you, it’s their personality and intelligence that’ll stand out the most. Once you find yourself a Jael, you’ll never forget them.

guy 1 : β€œI finally met Jael for the first time”

guy 2: β€œReally? Dude you got to meet her before I did”

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