Definder - what does the word mean?

What is jabbin'?

says amogus all the fucking time and loves to ask people uncomfortable questions

jabbin is a bitch

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jabbin' - meme gif

jabbin' meme gif

jabbin' - video


Jabbin' - what is it?

ur mom

jabbin pog is not pog he makes bad jokes that no one laughs at

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What does "jabbin'" mean?

talking to ones self without regard to surrounding people victims.
Mr T. is known for this saying also

i pity the fool that has to stand around jim while he is jibba jabbin'

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Jabbin' - what does it mean?

Talking uncontrollably.

Stop jibber jabbin' behind me.

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Jabbin' - meaning

When a dude is trying to penetrate a pussy that is super sloppy and stinky with extraordinarily long hair.

Dude, I was jabbin the slaw last night but that skank's pussy was such a mess I couldn't find the hole.

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Jabbin' - definition

Any action but masturbation. To be used in the context of masturbation.

So, I was there jabbin' the rattle and my Mom walked in...

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Jabbin' - slang

To get sex....jabbins said like (:ja-bins)

boy1:-"hey man"


boy1:-"i got my jabbins last night it was rad."

mum:-"hope you wore a willy hat?"

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Jabbing or jabbin' is when a guy rolls over in the morning and attempts to wake up the sexy piece of ass beside him by repeatedly poking her with his boner. It's a fun way to coax a girl, or boy, into another round of last night's torrid interaction -- or finish business Monsieur Whiskey Dick may have put a stop to. (A popular strategy and perhaps your last chance to part ways with a fair to moderate sexual reputaion).

Jabbin: Best used with a connotation to one-night-stands, often used by men in a stale marriage, always used in reference to morning wood and currently leading Folgers in the polls for 'best part of waking up'.

I woke up with prime morning wood so started jabbin' on this chicks butt - just poking around, ya know - and she rolled over with a smile!

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To talk to females, to gain sexual favor, or a phone number.

Look at Todd jabbin' at these hoes.

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Talking smack about other people's business.

He was outside jabbin' about my boy's business.

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