Definder - what does the word mean?

What is insta's?

1. A film which is most likely to be a Netflix original, featuring influencers, YouTubers, and D list celebrities or actors.

2. Any film that features: Josh Peck, King Bach, or washed out Disney channel stars trying to make a comeback.

(IE: Set It Up, The Perfect Date, When We First Met, The Babysitter)

Quibi failed because it only had insta flicks and no real movies.

Hey did you see the new insta flick internet famous with Shane Dawson & Amanda Cerny?

Did I just watch a 90 minute YouTube video or was it an insta flick.

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insta's - meme gif

insta's meme gif

insta's - video


Insta's - what is it?

comes from the phrase 'insta-raver'

someone who is brand new to the rave or electronic music scene and trying to give the impression they have been raving for years. (wearing lots of candy and stealing old rave flyers that they haven't been to

fucking instas. ruining everything for the true school

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What does "insta's" mean?

a prefix, generally used with an adjective to describe a person or object that was previously the opposite.

Shia Lebeouf is insta-hot.

Hanging out with girls named Stephanie is insta-awesome.

Plowing the fields is insta-satisfying.

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Insta's - what does it mean?

Instagram, but for douches.

Douche 1: Whats Insta?

Douche 2: Instagram, but for douches

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Insta's - meaning

A short word for Instagram. The word insta is used as a abbreviation.

Hey did you see Ariana Grande's new insta post? It was SO LIT

Check out my new insta post and like it Carly

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Insta's - definition

a slang word for instagram

ily insta

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Insta's - slang

short for instagram

i love insta

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1. Slang term for the word instant; to be combined with a noun, verb,adjective.
2. To occur at the moment or instantaneously.

1. Why are you instalaggin it to do homework.
2. He did his homework instafast.

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A prefix usually preceding a verb emphasizing and often exaggerating the haste of something, especially a performed task.

1. OMGLOL, you got instapwned.
2. Fedex rocks, package instarrived on time.
3. Seriously that shitty mindless show needs to be instacancelled before I instasert this screwdriver into my pulsating forehead.

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Abbreviation of Instagram. The photo sharing phenomena.

Friend: 'Hey did you go on insta last night?'
Other Friend: 'Yeh I love insta!!'

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