Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ild?

Just like Tiktok, remove the first and the last letter of your name, and if that spells "ild", then you are on fire!! It's the perfect name for everyone out there, this word defines everyone; who are true to themselves, who is (crazy), (lovely) and (extraordinary). Hold on to these people because they are worth more than you can imagine. You are damn lucky to even find a girl or boy who's name has the word "ild" in it.

WOW this girl is ild!! she is defiantly a keeper ;)

👍25 👎11

ild - meme gif

ild meme gif

ild - video


Ild - what is it?

Stands for Important Life Decision(s). Antonym of the main definition of BLD. Used in a sentence when something major in one's life is occurring.

Example A:

Jesse: I don't know whether I should move over to Buzz's house or Aunt Jackie's. I'm torn.

Example B:

QiYafondi: I'm making an ILD right now.
LaFonda: What do you mean? What type of ILD are you making?

👍25 👎11

What does "ild" mean?

A shortened way to say, "I like dat"

Oooo, you're bringing over take out for dinner? ild

👍25 👎11

Ild - what does it mean?

"CHangeling I'd Like to Destroy"
Little is known of this hostile alien species, but it's definetly probably hostile to humans.

Are you ready to hunt that CH-ILD?

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Ild - meaning

International Long Distance
A type of telephone call.

Jim : Please made an ILD call to Mary, she is waiting for you!
Jack : Why? I'd better wait for her call as it's too costly for me to call her.

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Ild - definition

short for : I like dat!

Me: Ayyo, look at diss dress!
Lisa: Omg! ILD!

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Ild - slang

Insane Laughing Disorder.
When one starts laughing and cannot stop.

Person 1: A lady had 3 daughters. The first daughter asks her mother why she was called Rose. The mother says "Why, darling, when you were born, a rose fell on your head. The second daughter asks why she is called Daisy. The mother replies "Because a daisy fell on your head when you were born". The third daughter approaches the mother and says "UUHHHHHHHH!!", the mother replies "Oh shut up Fridge!"


Person 1: Dude, what is up with you? You have ILD.

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Inconveniently Long Dick

Taylor's ILD is like Thor's Mjolnir - swing it and it'll take him anywhere.

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i love dick

How are you doing?

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