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What is iceburgs?

a chick who is cold to her friends but hot to guys...until they realise she is a cocktease

that bitch is such an iceburg

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Iceburgs - what is it?

a turd that is so long that when released from the anus, slips down into the water only to bob back up and poke you in the pucker

i almost jumped off of the toilet when i dropped that iceburg the other day.

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What does "iceburgs" mean?

When you take 4 Aspirin and masturbate while holding an ice pack in one of your hands that you are using to stroke your penis.

Jack was bored with his daily sexual routine, so he gave himself an iceburg, resulting in some very embarassing frostbite.

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Iceburgs - what does it mean?

The act and/or art of leaving a turd pile in someone’s toilet in such a way that some is above the waterline resulting in an oh so terrific aroma. In most cases one most pad the toilet with paper products in order to get the pile to sit high enough that it breaks the water line. Those who are proficient can leave several inches of feces available to share with the next patron of the commode. In the case of automatic flush toliets one must find a way to bypass the motion sensor. Most commonly this is done with a few wraps of tp.

Johnny left an iceburg in stall number 3 just to piss off the janitor.

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Iceburgs - meaning

A piece of feces that's so huge, parts of it stick up out of the water.

Joe didn't have a BM for two days but when he finally went, it was a freakin' iceburg!

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Iceburgs - definition

The game teenagers play when they "don't have sex," called "Iceburging" because it's "just the tip."

I had no idea you could get preggos from iceburging!

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Iceburgs - slang

A crap so large that a portion of it juts out of the water, with most of it being below the surface, like an iceburg.

After the all-you-can-eat ribs night, I sat down and dropped an iceburg. It was so sizeable that I had to flush twice!

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An iceburg is a female who has a skinny face but a fat body. She might look all hot riding in her car but once she gets out you realize that she is fat!

I saw the hottest girl driving a Mustang the other day so I motioned for her to follow me. When we got to a side street, we got out to talk and it turns out she was a total iceburg!

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A Water polo goalie who looks bad but is actually really good and appears out of nowhere when you shoot the ball, therefore "sinking" the other team's hopes of an easy win.

We thought the game would be an easy win but turns out the goalie for their team was an iceburg.

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When you jerk off in the tub, the floaty sperm is called "iceburgs".

Dood, I jerked in the tub last night and made about 30 iceburgs.

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