Definder - what does the word mean?

What is hypocrism?

The disease of being a hypocrite.

Person 1: "Dude, you gotta work on your acne, your face looks like a pepperoni pizza!"

Person 2: "Well you have worse acne than me! You, my friend, have hypocritis disease!"

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Hypocrism - what is it?

One of many human personalities, regardless of what politicians or activists say about each other.

"I'm a hypocrate a lot of times, though I hate to admit it."

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What does "hypocrism" mean?

to criticize someone in a hypocratic fashion

My mom hypocrized the way I typed my essay, even though she types the same way.

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Hypocrism - what does it mean?

An Ancient Greek Philosopher

I completed an essay last semester discussing the duality of the moral nature of politicians in Classical Athens as hypothesised by Hypocrates.

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Hypocrism - meaning

1. (n) criticism offered from a person generally accepted as being a hypocrit; or 2. (n) criticism offered based on a hypocritical standard/opinion.

Word Origination: Modern English; J. Fred Wilkins

You can't listen to anything she says because its all Hypocrism.

I'm SO not in the mood to listen to your hypocrism right now.

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