Definder - what does the word mean?

What is hunta?

Hunter is a funny looking somehow 18 year old who looks like he hasn't hit puberty yet. He seems like he should be an adult, but looks like he still attends middle school. He's hit a total of 3 shots this season, all of which were in ais. Honestly carried by hunting rifle last season, can't see him joining synergy anytime soon.

Who? norcal hunta. ASKED ABHAHAHA

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hunta - meme gif

hunta meme gif

hunta - video


Hunta - what is it?

Def Leopardese for "Our band was awesome, and still is awesome now even tho our drummer only has one arm"

Hunta Gleetin Gloutin Globin

Yeah---rock on man rock on!!!

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What does "hunta" mean?

Someone who strongly dislikes hispanics or mexicans or also called beaners and hunts them down and turns them in to the IIA(illigal immigration asscociation)

The beana hunta called in to the IIA to raise the awarenes of the beaners at the park.

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Hunta - what does it mean?

Virus that can result in the formation of a sinep.

Shawn McCade

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Hunta - meaning

The sweetest girl youโ€™d meet, sheโ€™s very outgoing and would do anything for her friends. She can be a bit of a flirt but everybody loves her, sheโ€™s real fit and everyone wants her. Sheโ€™s the cutest girl and keep her in your life and give her all your hoodies. She deserves someoneโ€™s sweet but she has a habit for going for bad guys. If you ever meet a girl hunta keep her in your life forever because sheโ€™ll always be there even if you hate each other. She doesnโ€™t like to share her feelings only to close friends

Guy1: hey who was that chick you where with last night

Guy2: hunta

Guy1: keep her in your life man and treat her like a goddess

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Hunta - definition

Ugly mean old rat that is 14

Your a hunta

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Hunta - slang

Hunta is the sweetest boy you can ever meet. Hunta's are very dorky and ask questions all the time but when you really get to know them they are so cute,perfect,smart and very athletic they are excellent friends he's usually dating but ends it because he didn't want her to get caught up in all the stuff he does also. They have an obsession with motorcycles and they make weird noises in class.

Hunta headed of to his long 6 hour meeting upon winning blue faction captain 2018

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