Definder - what does the word mean?

What is hsu?

an anceint chinese secret revealed on february 2nd 2002 In Mount Waverely Melbourne, Australia, it took the school by storm and everybody was too nervous to step out of line ever since...

"fuck did you see that. what was it???"

"man...that was Chi Hsu"

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hsu - meme gif

hsu meme gif

hsu - video


Hsu - what is it?

a beautiful, sexy, talented actress, singer, songwriter, and model. AShe's also the recent endorser of Hang Ten.

Love Storm, Say Say Say U Love Me, Decide to Love You, Shao Nu Dui

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What does "hsu" mean?

The coolest Asian motherfucker on the goddamn planet. And the most underrated skater ever. Ryan Sheckler shines his goddamn shoes for fucking nickles and ass crackers (Bruce Lee doesn't have shit on him). Pwns Chuck Norris's ass, with a skateboard style that can only be described as teh sex. Cooler than you and me will ever dream to be.

Way up there with Jimi Hendrix, Harrison Ford, Clint Eastwood, and Samuel .L Jackson.


Jerry Hsu is the master of the storm flip and can light a cigarette with his thumb.

Jerry is a smooth bastard.Who could darkslide when he was 13.

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Hsu - what does it mean?

A drunk homosexual that no one likes.

Ew that guy is such a Tiffany Hsu.

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Hsu - meaning

A person that is non-religious.

Christianity is stupid, I'm going to become Hsu.

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Hsu - definition

Hook Shit Up

Were gonna HSU tonight. ie. get connected (drugs).

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Hsu - slang

Holocaust Standard Unit - a measure of the number of holocausts something is. They are metric.

Bil: How many HSUs would a war with China be?
Bob: About 2.5.

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HSU stands for " the Hottest Shit in the Universe"

dude, he is hsu!

i wish i could be hsu..

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HSUS stands for the β€œHumane” Society of the United States. It is a corporation in the United States that does not own or control any animal shelters and it does not represent humane societies in the United States, other than itself.

While HSUS began an animal welfare organization back in 1954, its current focus is toward legislation that severely impedes or eliminates domestic animals and animal ownership. HSUS disguises its political campaigns as attacks against β€œpuppy mills,” animal cruelty, and β€œhoarding.”

HSUS claims that it only targets β€œpuppy mill” breeders and not β€œethical” breeders, but the definition of β€œethical” provided by HSUS makes breeding of animals impossible.

HSUS defines β€œanimal cruelty” in the broadest sense that essentially defines nearly *all* human contact and control over animals as cruel.

"Over the years, the Nevada Humane Society has learned that people are often confused by fundraising appeals from HSUS. Local residents think they are donating to the local humane society when they give money to HSUS. In fact, NHS has been told by local residents that they have already donated to them, when in fact they gave to HSUS." -Nathan J. Winograd

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Stands for "Hills, Stairs, and Umbrellas." Definitely not "Humboldt State University," which is wrong.

The northernmost California State University, friendly people, great weather (if you like rain), gigantic redwoods ON CAMPUS, great hiking ON CAMPUS, we walk and bike everywhere... we're kind of a bubble here.

"I went to HSU because it's the farthest from LA without out-of-state tuition."

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