Definder - what does the word mean?

What is houseman?

his girlfriend giving him or her head at a public pool

Aww fuck She gave me houseman again

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houseman meme gif

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Houseman - what is it?

Honestly, Definitely has a huge Ddick. Pretty good at basketball and a bit of a nerd.

Kenneth Houseman has a big dick!

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What does "houseman" mean?

(adj.) denoting a creature which is not quite cro magnum yet not a homo sapien; of caveman origins, however current habitat for the creature is a house.

1. My especially hairy neighbor, Donald, is a lesser evolved houseman.

2. Watch as lesser evolved houseman dilligently vaccums and dusts his newly purchased ranch home.

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Houseman - what does it mean?

The inability to reach orgasm during coitus.

After consuming several alcoholic beverages, Steve pulled a Mixon while attempting to have intercourse with his girlfriend.

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Houseman - meaning

The designated leader in a jail block who runs that block. Usually angry, black, and a lifer.

Hey Houseman, this fool never flushes the toilet..

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