Definder - what does the word mean?

What is hot stick?

The sexual act when while doing anal pull, take the tobacco dip from your lip, put it in your partners anus, and keep fucking

After my baseball games, i love giving my girlfriend a luisiana hot stick with my lefover dip

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hot stick - video


Hot stick - what is it?

During the act of banging a girl doggy style, you drop a mouthful of chew spit onto your cock as added lubrication.

Earl: "I was banging Sue Lynn last night and she started to dry out on me".

Bubba: "So what did you do"?

Earl: "I popped a wad of Red Man and gave her the 'ole Kentucky Hot Stick".

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What does "hot stick" mean?

The act of spitting Skoal on your own penis, then, having your companion suck it off.

Tonya slightly gagged as she polished off Theodore's Louisiana hot stick

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Hot stick - what does it mean?

When you are banging a chick from behind while dipping copenhagen, you spit on her back. Then you rub your dick in the spit and resume sex

Dude I pulled a Jamaican hot stick on my girlfriend last night. She was pissed until I donkey punched her

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Hot stick - meaning

this move needs to be premeditated, before you start having sex you put a fat wodd of chewing tabaco in your lip, then when you are fucking the chick in the ass you pull out and spit a big fat juicy sticky wodd of tabaco on her ass crack rub it up and down then stick it back in her ass!! and viola a cajun hot stick. thats gotta burn

that dirty ally-way trash whore deserved that violent cajun hot stick she just received

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Hot stick - definition

When one is engaging in anal intercourse with a woman and chewing tabacco at the same time (naturally) and then one pulls out, spits chew on their shaft and head, and then re-inserts. Thus resulting in a spicy sensation.

Yo bro, did you hear that chick screaming last night? I totally gave her a Tennesse Hot Stick. Hell, rectum? Damn near killed em.

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Hot stick - slang

The act of using chewing tobacco or snuff spit to lubricate during anal sex.

Joe forgot to take out his dip before his girl pulled him into the bedroom. Things got heated and he decided to give her some Texas hot stick.

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Hot stick

A hotness stick is a thermometer nailed to a piece of wood that is used to indicate the temperature.

"Hey Luca, is the hotness stick broken yet?"

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Hot stick

a glowing red cock, very warm, and large.

im gonna pump your cunt with my hot stick

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Hot stick

when pounding on a dirt leg while dipping, you pull out, spit on your dick and shove it back in. usually resulting with a burning sensation to the womans vag.

dude, last night i gave ducky a hot stick, and she started crying. it was awesome.

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